The cluster class represents a group of shards and a command queue for sending and receiving commands from discord via HTTP. You should usually instantiate a cluster object at the very least to make use of the library.
| cluster (const std::string &token, uint32_t intents=i_default_intents, uint32_t shards=0, uint32_t cluster_id=0, uint32_t maxclusters=1, bool compressed=true, cache_policy_t policy=cache_policy::cpol_default, uint32_t request_threads=12, uint32_t request_threads_raw=1) |
| Constructor for creating a cluster. All but the token are optional. More...
| cluster (const cluster &)=delete |
| dpp::cluster is non-copyable More...
| cluster (const cluster &&)=delete |
| dpp::cluster is non-moveable More...
cluster & | operator= (const cluster &)=delete |
| dpp::cluster is non-copyable More...
cluster & | operator= (const cluster &&)=delete |
| dpp::cluster is non-moveable More...
virtual | ~cluster () |
| Destroy the cluster object. More...
void | shutdown () |
| End cluster execution without destructing it. To restart the cluster, call cluster::start() again. More...
request_queue * | get_rest () |
| Get the rest_queue object which handles HTTPS requests to Discord. More...
request_queue * | get_raw_rest () |
| Get the raw rest_queue object which handles all HTTP(S) requests that are not directed at Discord. More...
cluster & | set_websocket_protocol (websocket_protocol_t mode) |
| Set the websocket protocol for all shards on this cluster. You should call this method before cluster::start. Generally ws_etf is faster, but provides less facilities for debugging should something go wrong. It is recommended to use ETF in production and JSON in development. More...
cluster & | set_audit_reason (const std::string &reason) |
| Set the audit log reason for the next REST call to be made. This is set per-thread, so you must ensure that if you call this method, your request that is associated with the reason happens on the same thread where you set the reason. Once the next call is made, the audit log reason is cleared for this thread automatically. More...
cluster & | clear_audit_reason () |
| Clear the audit log reason for the next REST call to be made. This is set per-thread, so you must ensure that if you call this method, your request that is associated with the reason happens on the same thread where you set the reason. Once the next call is made, the audit log reason is cleared for this thread automatically. More...
std::string | get_audit_reason () |
| Get the audit reason set for the next REST call to be made on this thread. This is set per-thread, so you must ensure that if you call this method, your request that is associated with the reason happens on the same thread where you set the reason. Once the next call is made, the audit log reason is cleared for this thread automatically. More...
cluster & | set_default_gateway (const std::string &default_gateway) |
| Sets the address of the default gateway, for connecting the websockets. More...
void | log (dpp::loglevel severity, const std::string &msg) const |
| Log a message to whatever log the user is using. The logged message is passed up the chain to the on_log event in user code which can then do whatever it wants to do with it. More...
timer | start_timer (timer_callback_t on_tick, uint64_t frequency, timer_callback_t on_stop={}) |
| Start a timer. Every frequency seconds, the callback is called. More...
bool | stop_timer (timer t) |
| Stop a ticking timer. More...
async< timer > | co_sleep (uint64_t seconds) |
| Get an awaitable to wait a certain amount of seconds. Use the co_await keyword on its return value to suspend the coroutine until the timer ends. More...
snowflake | get_dm_channel (snowflake user_id) |
| Get the dm channel for a user id. More...
void | set_dm_channel (snowflake user_id, snowflake channel_id) |
| Set the dm channel id for a user id. More...
dpp::utility::uptime | uptime () |
| Returns the uptime of the cluster. More...
void | start (bool return_after=true) |
| Start the cluster, connecting all its shards. More...
void | set_presence (const class dpp::presence &p) |
| Set the presence for all shards on the cluster. More...
discord_client * | get_shard (uint32_t id) |
| Get a shard by id, returning the discord_client. More...
const shard_list & | get_shards () |
| Get the list of shards. More...
cluster & | set_request_timeout (uint16_t timeout) |
| Sets the request timeout. More...
void | post_rest (const std::string &endpoint, const std::string &major_parameters, const std::string ¶meters, http_method method, const std::string &postdata, json_encode_t callback, const std::string &filename="", const std::string &filecontent="", const std::string &filemimetype="", const std::string &protocol="1.1") |
| Post a REST request. Where possible use a helper method instead like message_create. More...
void | post_rest_multipart (const std::string &endpoint, const std::string &major_parameters, const std::string ¶meters, http_method method, const std::string &postdata, json_encode_t callback, const std::vector< message_file_data > &file_data={}) |
| Post a multipart REST request. Where possible use a helper method instead like message_create. More...
void | request (const std::string &url, http_method method, http_completion_event callback, const std::string &postdata="", const std::string &mimetype="text/plain", const std::multimap< std::string, std::string > &headers={}, const std::string &protocol="1.1", time_t request_timeout=5) |
| Make a HTTP(S) request. For use when wanting asynchronous access to HTTP APIs outside of Discord. More...
void | interaction_response_create (snowflake interaction_id, const std::string &token, const interaction_response &r, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Respond to a slash command. More...
void | interaction_response_edit (const std::string &token, const message &m, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit response to a slash command. More...
void | interaction_response_get_original (const std::string &token, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Get the original response to a slash command. More...
void | interaction_followup_create (const std::string &token, const message &m, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Create a followup message to a slash command. More...
void | interaction_followup_edit_original (const std::string &token, const message &m, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit original followup message to a slash command This is an alias for cluster::interaction_response_edit. More...
void | interaction_followup_delete (const std::string &token, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Delete the initial interaction response. More...
void | interaction_followup_edit (const std::string &token, const message &m, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit followup message to a slash command The message ID in the message you pass should be correctly set to that of a followup message you previously sent. More...
void | interaction_followup_get (const std::string &token, snowflake message_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get the followup message to a slash command. More...
void | interaction_followup_get_original (const std::string &token, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Get the original followup message to a slash command This is an alias for cluster::interaction_response_get_original. More...
void | global_command_create (const slashcommand &s, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Create a global slash command (a bot can have a maximum of 100 of these). More...
void | global_command_get (snowflake id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Get a global slash command. More...
void | guild_auditlog_get (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, uint32_t action_type, snowflake before, snowflake after, uint32_t limit, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get the audit log for a guild. More...
void | guild_command_create (const slashcommand &s, snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Create a slash command local to a guild. More...
void | guild_bulk_command_create (const std::vector< slashcommand > &commands, snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Create/overwrite guild slash commands. Any existing guild slash commands on this guild will be deleted and replaced with these. More...
void | guild_bulk_command_delete (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Delete all existing guild slash commands. More...
void | global_bulk_command_create (const std::vector< slashcommand > &commands, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Create/overwrite global slash commands. Any existing global slash commands will be deleted and replaced with these. More...
void | global_bulk_command_delete (command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Delete all existing global slash commands. More...
void | global_command_edit (const slashcommand &s, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit a global slash command (a bot can have a maximum of 100 of these) More...
void | guild_command_get (snowflake id, snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Get a slash command of a guild. More...
void | guild_command_edit (const slashcommand &s, snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit a slash command local to a guild. More...
void | guild_command_edit_permissions (const slashcommand &s, snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit slash command permissions of a guild. More...
void | guild_command_get_permissions (snowflake id, snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Get the permissions for a slash command of a guild. More...
void | guild_bulk_command_edit_permissions (const std::vector< slashcommand > &commands, snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit/Overwrite the permissions of all existing slash commands in a guild. More...
void | global_command_delete (snowflake id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Delete a global slash command (a bot can have a maximum of 100 of these) More...
void | guild_command_delete (snowflake id, snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Delete a slash command local to a guild. More...
void | guild_commands_get (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get the application's slash commands for a guild. More...
void | guild_commands_get_permissions (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get all slash command permissions of a guild. More...
void | global_commands_get (command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get the application's global slash commands. More...
void | direct_message_create (snowflake user_id, const message &m, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Create a direct message, also create the channel for the direct message if needed. More...
void | message_get (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get a message. More...
void | messages_get (snowflake channel_id, snowflake around, snowflake before, snowflake after, uint64_t limit, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get multiple messages. More...
void | message_create (const struct message &m, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Send a message to a channel. The callback function is called when the message has been sent. More...
void | message_crosspost (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Crosspost a message. The callback function is called when the message has been sent. More...
void | message_edit (const struct message &m, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit a message on a channel. The callback function is called when the message has been edited. More...
void | message_edit_flags (const struct message &m, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit the flags of a message on a channel. The callback function is called when the message has been edited. More...
void | message_add_reaction (const struct message &m, const std::string &reaction, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Add a reaction to a message. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
void | message_delete_own_reaction (const struct message &m, const std::string &reaction, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Delete own reaction from a message. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
void | message_delete_reaction (const struct message &m, snowflake user_id, const std::string &reaction, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Delete a user's reaction from a message. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
void | message_get_reactions (const struct message &m, const std::string &reaction, snowflake before, snowflake after, snowflake limit, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get reactions on a message for a particular emoji. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
void | message_delete_all_reactions (const struct message &m, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Delete all reactions on a message. More...
void | message_delete_reaction_emoji (const struct message &m, const std::string &reaction, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Delete all reactions on a message using a particular emoji. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
void | message_add_reaction (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, const std::string &reaction, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Add a reaction to a message by id. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
void | message_delete_own_reaction (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, const std::string &reaction, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Delete own reaction from a message by id. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
void | message_delete_reaction (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, snowflake user_id, const std::string &reaction, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Delete a user's reaction from a message by id. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
void | message_get_reactions (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, const std::string &reaction, snowflake before, snowflake after, snowflake limit, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get reactions on a message for a particular emoji by id. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
void | message_delete_all_reactions (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Delete all reactions on a message by id. More...
void | message_delete_reaction_emoji (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, const std::string &reaction, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Delete all reactions on a message using a particular emoji by id. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
void | message_delete (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Delete a message from a channel. The callback function is called when the message has been edited. More...
void | message_delete_bulk (const std::vector< snowflake > &message_ids, snowflake channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Bulk delete messages from a channel. The callback function is called when the message has been edited. More...
void | poll_get_answer_voters (const message &m, uint32_t answer_id, snowflake after, uint64_t limit, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Get a list of users that voted for this specific answer. More...
void | poll_get_answer_voters (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, uint32_t answer_id, snowflake after, uint64_t limit, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Get a list of users that voted for this specific answer. More...
void | poll_end (const message &m, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Immediately end a poll. More...
void | poll_end (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Immediately end a poll. More...
void | channel_get (snowflake c, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get a channel. More...
void | channels_get (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get all channels for a guild. More...
void | channel_create (const class channel &c, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Create a channel. More...
void | channel_edit (const class channel &c, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit a channel. More...
void | channel_edit_positions (const std::vector< channel > &c, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit multiple channels positions. More...
void | channel_edit_permissions (const class channel &c, const snowflake overwrite_id, const uint64_t allow, const uint64_t deny, const bool member, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit a channel's permissions. More...
void | channel_edit_permissions (const snowflake channel_id, const snowflake overwrite_id, const uint64_t allow, const uint64_t deny, const bool member, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit a channel's permissions. More...
void | channel_delete (snowflake channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Delete a channel. More...
void | invite_get (const std::string &invite_code, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get details about an invite. More...
void | invite_delete (const std::string &invite, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Delete an invite. More...
void | channel_invites_get (const class channel &c, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get invites for a channel. More...
void | channel_invite_create (const class channel &c, const class invite &i, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Create invite for a channel. More...
void | channel_pins_get (snowflake channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get a channel's pins. More...
void | gdm_add (snowflake channel_id, snowflake user_id, const std::string &access_token, const std::string &nick, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Adds a recipient to a Group DM using their access token. More...
void | gdm_remove (snowflake channel_id, snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Removes a recipient from a Group DM. More...
void | channel_delete_permission (const class channel &c, snowflake overwrite_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Remove a permission from a channel. More...
void | channel_follow_news (const class channel &c, snowflake target_channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Follow an announcement (news) channel. More...
void | channel_typing (const class channel &c, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Trigger channel typing indicator. More...
void | channel_typing (snowflake cid, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Trigger channel typing indicator. More...
void | message_pin (snowflake channel_id, snowflake message_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Pin a message. More...
void | message_unpin (snowflake channel_id, snowflake message_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Unpin a message. More...
void | guild_get (snowflake g, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get a guild. More...
void | guild_get_preview (snowflake g, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get a guild preview. Returns a guild object but only a subset of the fields will be populated. More...
void | guild_get_member (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get a guild member. More...
void | guild_search_members (snowflake guild_id, const std::string &query, uint16_t limit, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Search for guild members based on whether their username or nickname starts with the given string. More...
void | guild_get_members (snowflake guild_id, uint16_t limit, snowflake after, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get all guild members. More...
void | guild_add_member (const guild_member &gm, const std::string &access_token, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Add guild member. Needs a specific oauth2 scope, from which you get the access_token. More...
void | guild_edit_member (const guild_member &gm, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit the properties of an existing guild member. More...
void | guild_member_move (const snowflake channel_id, const snowflake guild_id, const snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Moves the guild member to a other voice channel, if member is connected to one. Set the channel_id to 0 to disconnect the user. More...
void | guild_set_nickname (snowflake guild_id, const std::string &nickname, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Change current user nickname. More...
void | guild_member_add_role (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, snowflake role_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Add role to guild member. More...
void | guild_member_delete_role (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, snowflake role_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Remove role from guild member. More...
void | guild_member_remove_role (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, snowflake role_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Remove role from guild member. More...
void | guild_member_delete (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Remove (kick) a guild member. More...
void | guild_member_kick (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Remove (kick) a guild member. More...
void | guild_member_timeout (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, time_t communication_disabled_until, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Set the timeout of a guild member. More...
void | guild_member_timeout_remove (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Remove the timeout of a guild member. A shortcut for guild_member_timeout(guild_id, user_id, 0, callback) Fires a Guild Member Update Gateway event. More...
void | guild_ban_add (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, uint32_t delete_message_seconds=0, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Add guild ban. More...
void | guild_ban_delete (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Delete guild ban. More...
void | guild_get_bans (snowflake guild_id, snowflake before, snowflake after, snowflake limit, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get guild ban list. More...
void | guild_get_ban (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get single guild ban. More...
void | template_get (const std::string &code, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get a template. More...
void | guild_create_from_template (const std::string &code, const std::string &name, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Create a new guild based on a template. More...
void | guild_templates_get (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get guild templates. More...
void | guild_template_create (snowflake guild_id, const std::string &name, const std::string &description, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Creates a template for the guild. More...
void | guild_template_sync (snowflake guild_id, const std::string &code, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Syncs the template to the guild's current state. More...
void | guild_template_modify (snowflake guild_id, const std::string &code, const std::string &name, const std::string &description, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Modifies the template's metadata. More...
void | guild_template_delete (snowflake guild_id, const std::string &code, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Deletes the template. More...
void | guild_create (const class guild &g, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Create a guild. More...
void | guild_edit (const class guild &g, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit a guild. More...
void | guild_delete (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Delete a guild. More...
void | guild_emojis_get (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get all emojis for a guild. More...
void | guild_emoji_get (snowflake guild_id, snowflake emoji_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get a single emoji. More...
void | guild_emoji_create (snowflake guild_id, const class emoji &newemoji, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Create single emoji. You must ensure that the emoji passed contained image data using the emoji::load_image() method. More...
void | guild_emoji_edit (snowflake guild_id, const class emoji &newemoji, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit a single emoji. More...
void | guild_emoji_delete (snowflake guild_id, snowflake emoji_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Delete a guild emoji. More...
void | application_emojis_get (command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| List all Application Emojis. More...
void | application_emoji_get (snowflake emoji_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Get an Application Emoji. More...
void | application_emoji_create (const class emoji &newemoji, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Create an Application Emoji. More...
void | application_emoji_edit (const class emoji &newemoji, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit an Application Emoji. More...
void | application_emoji_delete (snowflake emoji_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Delete an Application Emoji. More...
void | guild_get_prune_counts (snowflake guild_id, const struct prune &pruneinfo, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get prune counts. More...
void | guild_begin_prune (snowflake guild_id, const struct prune &pruneinfo, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Begin guild prune. More...
void | guild_get_voice_regions (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get guild voice regions. More...
void | guild_get_invites (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get guild invites. More...
void | guild_get_integrations (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get guild integrations. More...
void | guild_modify_integration (snowflake guild_id, const class integration &i, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Modify guild integration. More...
void | guild_delete_integration (snowflake guild_id, snowflake integration_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Delete guild integration. More...
void | guild_sync_integration (snowflake guild_id, snowflake integration_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Sync guild integration. More...
void | guild_get_widget (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get guild widget. More...
void | guild_edit_widget (snowflake guild_id, const class guild_widget &gw, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit guild widget. More...
void | guild_get_vanity (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get guild vanity url, if enabled. More...
void | guild_get_onboarding (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get the guild's onboarding configuration. More...
void | guild_edit_onboarding (const struct onboarding &o, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit the guild's onboarding configuration. More...
void | guild_get_welcome_screen (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get the guild's welcome screen. More...
void | guild_edit_welcome_screen (snowflake guild_id, const struct welcome_screen &welcome_screen, bool enabled, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit the guild's welcome screen. More...
void | create_webhook (const class webhook &w, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Create a webhook. More...
void | get_guild_webhooks (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get guild webhooks. More...
void | get_channel_webhooks (snowflake channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get channel webhooks. More...
void | get_webhook (snowflake webhook_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get webhook. More...
void | get_webhook_with_token (snowflake webhook_id, const std::string &token, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get webhook using token. More...
void | edit_webhook (const class webhook &wh, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit webhook. More...
void | edit_webhook_with_token (const class webhook &wh, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit webhook with token (token is encapsulated in the webhook object) More...
void | delete_webhook (snowflake webhook_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Delete a webhook. More...
void | delete_webhook_with_token (snowflake webhook_id, const std::string &token, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Delete webhook with token. More...
void | execute_webhook (const class webhook &wh, const struct message &m, bool wait=false, snowflake thread_id=0, const std::string &thread_name="", command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Execute webhook. More...
void | get_webhook_message (const class webhook &wh, snowflake message_id, snowflake thread_id=0, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Get webhook message. More...
void | edit_webhook_message (const class webhook &wh, const struct message &m, snowflake thread_id=0, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit webhook message. More...
void | delete_webhook_message (const class webhook &wh, snowflake message_id, snowflake thread_id=0, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Delete webhook message. More...
void | roles_get (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get a role for a guild. More...
void | role_create (const class role &r, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Create a role on a guild. More...
void | role_edit (const class role &r, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit a role on a guild. More...
void | roles_edit_position (snowflake guild_id, const std::vector< role > &roles, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit multiple role's position in a guild. Returns a list of all roles of the guild on success. More...
void | role_delete (snowflake guild_id, snowflake role_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Delete a role. More...
void | application_role_connection_get (snowflake application_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get the application's role connection metadata records. More...
void | application_role_connection_update (snowflake application_id, const std::vector< application_role_connection_metadata > &connection_metadata, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Update the application's role connection metadata records. More...
void | user_application_role_connection_get (snowflake application_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get user application role connection. More...
void | user_application_role_connection_update (snowflake application_id, const application_role_connection &connection, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Update user application role connection. More...
void | user_get (snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get a user by id, without using the cache. More...
void | user_get_cached (snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get a user by id, checking in the cache first. More...
void | current_user_get (command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get current (bot) user. More...
void | current_application_get (command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get current (bot) application. More...
void | guild_current_member_edit (snowflake guild_id, const std::string &nickname, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Modify current member. More...
void | current_user_connections_get (command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get current user's connections (linked accounts, e.g. steam, xbox). This call requires the oauth2 connections scope and cannot be executed against a bot token. More...
void | current_user_get_guilds (command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get current (bot) user guilds. More...
void | current_user_edit (const std::string &nickname, const std::string &avatar_blob="", const image_type avatar_type=i_png, const std::string &banner_blob="", const image_type banner_type=i_png, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit current (bot) user. More...
void | current_user_get_dms (command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get current user DM channels. More...
void | create_dm_channel (snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Create a dm channel. More...
void | current_user_leave_guild (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Leave a guild. More...
void | thread_create_in_forum (const std::string &thread_name, snowflake channel_id, const message &msg, auto_archive_duration_t auto_archive_duration, uint16_t rate_limit_per_user, std::vector< snowflake > applied_tags={}, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Create a thread in a forum or media channel. More...
void | thread_create (const std::string &thread_name, snowflake channel_id, uint16_t auto_archive_duration, channel_type thread_type, bool invitable, uint16_t rate_limit_per_user, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Create a thread. More...
void | thread_edit (const thread &t, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit a thread. More...
void | thread_create_with_message (const std::string &thread_name, snowflake channel_id, snowflake message_id, uint16_t auto_archive_duration, uint16_t rate_limit_per_user, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Create a thread with a message (Discord: ID of a thread is same as message ID) More...
void | current_user_join_thread (snowflake thread_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Join a thread. More...
void | current_user_leave_thread (snowflake thread_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Leave a thread. More...
void | thread_member_add (snowflake thread_id, snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Add a member to a thread. More...
void | thread_member_remove (snowflake thread_id, snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Remove a member from a thread. More...
void | thread_member_get (const snowflake thread_id, const snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get a thread member. More...
void | thread_members_get (snowflake thread_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get members of a thread. More...
void | threads_get_active (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get all active threads in the guild, including public and private threads. Threads are ordered by their id, in descending order. More...
void | threads_get_public_archived (snowflake channel_id, time_t before_timestamp, uint16_t limit, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get public archived threads in a channel (Sorted by archive_timestamp in descending order) More...
void | threads_get_private_archived (snowflake channel_id, time_t before_timestamp, uint16_t limit, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get private archived threads in a channel (Sorted by archive_timestamp in descending order) More...
void | threads_get_joined_private_archived (snowflake channel_id, snowflake before_id, uint16_t limit, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get private archived threads in a channel which current user has joined (Sorted by ID in descending order) More...
void | thread_get (snowflake thread_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get the thread specified by thread_id. This uses the same call as dpp::cluster::channel_get but returns a thread object. More...
void | guild_sticker_create (const sticker &s, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Create a sticker in a guild. More...
void | guild_sticker_modify (const sticker &s, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Modify a sticker in a guild. More...
void | guild_sticker_delete (snowflake sticker_id, snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Delete a sticker from a guild. More...
void | nitro_sticker_get (snowflake id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get a nitro sticker. More...
void | guild_sticker_get (snowflake id, snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get a guild sticker. More...
void | guild_stickers_get (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get all guild stickers. More...
void | sticker_packs_get (command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get a list of available sticker packs. More...
void | stage_instance_create (const stage_instance &instance, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Create a stage instance on a stage channel. More...
void | stage_instance_get (const snowflake channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get the stage instance associated with the channel id, if it exists. More...
void | stage_instance_edit (const stage_instance &instance, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit a stage instance. More...
void | stage_instance_delete (const snowflake channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Delete a stage instance. More...
void | get_voice_regions (command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get all voice regions. More...
void | get_gateway_bot (command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get the gateway information for the bot using the token. More...
void | guild_events_get (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get all scheduled events for a guild. More...
void | guild_event_users_get (snowflake guild_id, snowflake event_id, command_completion_event_t callback, uint8_t limit=100, snowflake before=0, snowflake after=0) |
| Get users RSVP'd to an event. More...
void | guild_event_create (const scheduled_event &event, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Create a scheduled event on a guild. More...
void | guild_event_delete (snowflake event_id, snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Delete a scheduled event from a guild. More...
void | guild_event_edit (const scheduled_event &event, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit/modify a scheduled event on a guild. More...
void | guild_event_get (snowflake guild_id, snowflake event_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get a scheduled event for a guild. More...
void | current_user_set_voice_state (snowflake guild_id, snowflake channel_id, bool suppress=false, time_t request_to_speak_timestamp=0, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Set the bot's voice state on a stage channel. More...
void | user_set_voice_state (snowflake user_id, snowflake guild_id, snowflake channel_id, bool suppress=false, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Set a user's voice state on a stage channel. More...
void | automod_rules_get (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get all auto moderation rules for a guild. More...
void | automod_rule_get (snowflake guild_id, snowflake rule_id, command_completion_event_t callback) |
| Get a single auto moderation rule. More...
void | automod_rule_create (snowflake guild_id, const automod_rule &r, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Create an auto moderation rule. More...
void | automod_rule_edit (snowflake guild_id, const automod_rule &r, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Edit an auto moderation rule. More...
void | automod_rule_delete (snowflake guild_id, snowflake rule_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Delete an auto moderation rule. More...
void | entitlements_get (snowflake user_id=0, const std::vector< snowflake > &sku_ids={}, snowflake before_id=0, snowflake after_id=0, uint8_t limit=100, snowflake guild_id=0, bool exclude_ended=false, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Returns all entitlements for a given app, active and expired. More...
void | entitlement_test_create (const class entitlement &new_entitlement, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Creates a test entitlement to a given SKU for a given guild or user. Discord will act as though that user or guild has entitlement to your premium offering. More...
void | entitlement_test_delete (snowflake entitlement_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Deletes a currently-active test entitlement. Discord will act as though that user or guild no longer has entitlement to your premium offering. More...
void | entitlement_consume (snowflake entitlement_id, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| For One-Time Purchase consumable SKUs, marks a given entitlement for the user as consumed. More...
void | skus_get (command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Returns all SKUs for a given application. More...
void | channel_set_voice_status (snowflake channel_id, const std::string &status, command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) |
| Set the status of a voice channel. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_global_bulk_command_create (const std::vector< slashcommand > &commands) |
| Create/overwrite global slash commands. Any existing global slash commands will be deleted and replaced with these. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_global_bulk_command_delete () |
| Delete all existing global slash commands. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_global_command_create (const slashcommand &s) |
| Create a global slash command (a bot can have a maximum of 100 of these). More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_global_command_get (snowflake id) |
| Get a global slash command. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_global_command_delete (snowflake id) |
| Delete a global slash command (a bot can have a maximum of 100 of these) More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_global_command_edit (const slashcommand &s) |
| Edit a global slash command (a bot can have a maximum of 100 of these) More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_global_commands_get () |
| Get the application's global slash commands. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_bulk_command_create (const std::vector< slashcommand > &commands, snowflake guild_id) |
| Create/overwrite guild slash commands. Any existing guild slash commands on this guild will be deleted and replaced with these. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_bulk_command_delete (snowflake guild_id) |
| Delete all existing guild slash commands. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_commands_get_permissions (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get all slash command permissions of a guild. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_bulk_command_edit_permissions (const std::vector< slashcommand > &commands, snowflake guild_id) |
| Edit/Overwrite the permissions of all existing slash commands in a guild. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_command_create (const slashcommand &s, snowflake guild_id) |
| Create a slash command local to a guild. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_command_delete (snowflake id, snowflake guild_id) |
| Delete a slash command local to a guild. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_command_edit_permissions (const slashcommand &s, snowflake guild_id) |
| Edit slash command permissions of a guild. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_command_get (snowflake id, snowflake guild_id) |
| Get a slash command of a guild. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_command_get_permissions (snowflake id, snowflake guild_id) |
| Get the permissions for a slash command of a guild. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_command_edit (const slashcommand &s, snowflake guild_id) |
| Edit a slash command local to a guild. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_commands_get (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get the application's slash commands for a guild. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_interaction_response_create (snowflake interaction_id, const std::string &token, const interaction_response &r) |
| Respond to a slash command. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_interaction_response_edit (const std::string &token, const message &m) |
| Edit response to a slash command. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_interaction_response_get_original (const std::string &token) |
| Get the original response to a slash command. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_interaction_followup_create (const std::string &token, const message &m) |
| Create a followup message to a slash command. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_interaction_followup_edit_original (const std::string &token, const message &m) |
| Edit original followup message to a slash command This is an alias for cluster::interaction_response_edit. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_interaction_followup_delete (const std::string &token) |
| Delete the initial interaction response. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_interaction_followup_edit (const std::string &token, const message &m) |
| Edit followup message to a slash command The message ID in the message you pass should be correctly set to that of a followup message you previously sent. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_interaction_followup_get (const std::string &token, snowflake message_id) |
| Get the followup message to a slash command. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_interaction_followup_get_original (const std::string &token) |
| Get the original followup message to a slash command This is an alias for cluster::interaction_response_get_original. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_automod_rules_get (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get all auto moderation rules for a guild. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_automod_rule_get (snowflake guild_id, snowflake rule_id) |
| Get a single auto moderation rule. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_automod_rule_create (snowflake guild_id, const automod_rule &r) |
| Create an auto moderation rule. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_automod_rule_edit (snowflake guild_id, const automod_rule &r) |
| Edit an auto moderation rule. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_automod_rule_delete (snowflake guild_id, snowflake rule_id) |
| Delete an auto moderation rule. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_channel_create (const class channel &c) |
| Create a channel. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_channel_delete_permission (const class channel &c, snowflake overwrite_id) |
| Remove a permission from a channel. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_channel_delete (snowflake channel_id) |
| Delete a channel. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_channel_edit_permissions (const class channel &c, const snowflake overwrite_id, const uint64_t allow, const uint64_t deny, const bool member) |
| Edit a channel's permissions. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_channel_edit_permissions (const snowflake channel_id, const snowflake overwrite_id, const uint64_t allow, const uint64_t deny, const bool member) |
| Edit a channel's permissions. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_channel_edit_positions (const std::vector< channel > &c) |
| Edit multiple channels positions. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_channel_edit (const class channel &c) |
| Edit a channel. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_channel_follow_news (const class channel &c, snowflake target_channel_id) |
| Follow an announcement (news) channel. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_channel_get (snowflake c) |
| Get a channel. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_channel_invite_create (const class channel &c, const class invite &i) |
| Create invite for a channel. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_channel_invites_get (const class channel &c) |
| Get invites for a channel. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_channel_typing (const class channel &c) |
| Trigger channel typing indicator. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_channel_typing (snowflake cid) |
| Trigger channel typing indicator. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_channels_get (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get all channels for a guild. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_channel_set_voice_status (snowflake channel_id, const std::string &status) |
| Set the status of a voice channel. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_create_dm_channel (snowflake user_id) |
| Create a dm channel. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_current_user_get_dms () |
| Get current user DM channels. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_direct_message_create (snowflake user_id, const message &m) |
| Create a direct message, also create the channel for the direct message if needed. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_gdm_add (snowflake channel_id, snowflake user_id, const std::string &access_token, const std::string &nick) |
| Adds a recipient to a Group DM using their access token. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_gdm_remove (snowflake channel_id, snowflake user_id) |
| Removes a recipient from a Group DM. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_emoji_create (snowflake guild_id, const class emoji &newemoji) |
| Create single emoji. You must ensure that the emoji passed contained image data using the emoji::load_image() method. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_emoji_delete (snowflake guild_id, snowflake emoji_id) |
| Delete a guild emoji. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_emoji_edit (snowflake guild_id, const class emoji &newemoji) |
| Edit a single emoji. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_emoji_get (snowflake guild_id, snowflake emoji_id) |
| Get a single emoji. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_emojis_get (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get all emojis for a guild. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_application_emojis_get () |
| List all Application Emojis. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_application_emoji_get (snowflake emoji_id) |
| Get an Application Emoji. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_application_emoji_create (const class emoji &newemoji) |
| Create an Application Emoji. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_application_emoji_edit (const class emoji &newemoji) |
| Edit an Application Emoji. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_application_emoji_delete (snowflake emoji_id) |
| Delete an Application Emoji. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_entitlements_get (snowflake user_id=0, const std::vector< snowflake > &sku_ids={}, snowflake before_id=0, snowflake after_id=0, uint8_t limit=100, snowflake guild_id=0, bool exclude_ended=false) |
| Returns all entitlements for a given app, active and expired. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_entitlement_test_create (const class entitlement &new_entitlement) |
| Creates a test entitlement to a given SKU for a given guild or user. Discord will act as though that user or guild has entitlement to your premium offering. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_entitlement_test_delete (snowflake entitlement_id) |
| Deletes a currently-active test entitlement. Discord will act as though that user or guild no longer has entitlement to your premium offering. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_entitlement_consume (snowflake entitlement_id) |
| For One-Time Purchase consumable SKUs, marks a given entitlement for the user as consumed. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_get_gateway_bot () |
| Get the gateway information for the bot using the token. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_current_member_edit (snowflake guild_id, const std::string &nickname) |
| Modify current member. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_auditlog_get (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, uint32_t action_type, snowflake before, snowflake after, uint32_t limit) |
| Get the audit log for a guild. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_ban_add (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, uint32_t delete_message_seconds=0) |
| Add guild ban. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_ban_delete (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id) |
| Delete guild ban. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_create (const class guild &g) |
| Create a guild. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_delete (snowflake guild_id) |
| Delete a guild. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_delete_integration (snowflake guild_id, snowflake integration_id) |
| Delete guild integration. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_edit (const class guild &g) |
| Edit a guild. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_edit_widget (snowflake guild_id, const class guild_widget &gw) |
| Edit guild widget. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_get_ban (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id) |
| Get single guild ban. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_get_bans (snowflake guild_id, snowflake before, snowflake after, snowflake limit) |
| Get guild ban list. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_get_integrations (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get guild integrations. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_get_vanity (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get guild vanity url, if enabled. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_get_widget (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get guild widget. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_modify_integration (snowflake guild_id, const class integration &i) |
| Modify guild integration. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_get_prune_counts (snowflake guild_id, const struct prune &pruneinfo) |
| Get prune counts. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_begin_prune (snowflake guild_id, const struct prune &pruneinfo) |
| Begin guild prune. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_set_nickname (snowflake guild_id, const std::string &nickname) |
| Change current user nickname. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_sync_integration (snowflake guild_id, snowflake integration_id) |
| Sync guild integration. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_get_onboarding (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get the guild's onboarding configuration. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_edit_onboarding (const struct onboarding &o) |
| Edit the guild's onboarding configuration. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_get_welcome_screen (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get the guild's welcome screen. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_edit_welcome_screen (snowflake guild_id, const struct welcome_screen &welcome_screen, bool enabled) |
| Edit the guild's welcome screen. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_add_member (const guild_member &gm, const std::string &access_token) |
| Add guild member. Needs a specific oauth2 scope, from which you get the access_token. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_edit_member (const guild_member &gm) |
| Edit the properties of an existing guild member. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_get_member (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id) |
| Get a guild member. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_get_members (snowflake guild_id, uint16_t limit, snowflake after) |
| Get all guild members. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_member_add_role (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, snowflake role_id) |
| Add role to guild member. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_member_delete (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id) |
| Remove (kick) a guild member. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_member_kick (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id) |
| Remove (kick) a guild member. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_member_timeout (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, time_t communication_disabled_until) |
| Set the timeout of a guild member. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_member_timeout_remove (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id) |
| Remove the timeout of a guild member. A shortcut for guild_member_timeout(guild_id, user_id, 0, callback) Fires a Guild Member Update Gateway event. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_member_delete_role (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, snowflake role_id) |
| Remove role from guild member. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_member_remove_role (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, snowflake role_id) |
| Remove role from guild member. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_member_move (const snowflake channel_id, const snowflake guild_id, const snowflake user_id) |
| Moves the guild member to a other voice channel, if member is connected to one. Set the channel_id to 0 to disconnect the user. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_search_members (snowflake guild_id, const std::string &query, uint16_t limit) |
| Search for guild members based on whether their username or nickname starts with the given string. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_get_invites (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get guild invites. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_invite_get (const std::string &invite_code) |
| Get details about an invite. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_message_add_reaction (const struct message &m, const std::string &reaction) |
| Add a reaction to a message. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_message_add_reaction (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, const std::string &reaction) |
| Add a reaction to a message by id. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_message_create (const struct message &m) |
| Send a message to a channel. The callback function is called when the message has been sent. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_message_crosspost (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id) |
| Crosspost a message. The callback function is called when the message has been sent. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_message_delete_all_reactions (const struct message &m) |
| Delete all reactions on a message. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_message_delete_all_reactions (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id) |
| Delete all reactions on a message by id. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_message_delete_bulk (const std::vector< snowflake > &message_ids, snowflake channel_id) |
| Bulk delete messages from a channel. The callback function is called when the message has been edited. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_message_delete (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id) |
| Delete a message from a channel. The callback function is called when the message has been edited. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_message_delete_own_reaction (const struct message &m, const std::string &reaction) |
| Delete own reaction from a message. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_message_delete_own_reaction (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, const std::string &reaction) |
| Delete own reaction from a message by id. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_message_delete_reaction (const struct message &m, snowflake user_id, const std::string &reaction) |
| Delete a user's reaction from a message. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_message_delete_reaction (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, snowflake user_id, const std::string &reaction) |
| Delete a user's reaction from a message by id. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_message_delete_reaction_emoji (const struct message &m, const std::string &reaction) |
| Delete all reactions on a message using a particular emoji. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_message_delete_reaction_emoji (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, const std::string &reaction) |
| Delete all reactions on a message using a particular emoji by id. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_message_edit (const struct message &m) |
| Edit a message on a channel. The callback function is called when the message has been edited. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_message_edit_flags (const struct message &m) |
| Edit the flags of a message on a channel. The callback function is called when the message has been edited. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_message_get (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id) |
| Get a message. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_message_get_reactions (const struct message &m, const std::string &reaction, snowflake before, snowflake after, snowflake limit) |
| Get reactions on a message for a particular emoji. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_message_get_reactions (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, const std::string &reaction, snowflake before, snowflake after, snowflake limit) |
| Get reactions on a message for a particular emoji by id. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_message_pin (snowflake channel_id, snowflake message_id) |
| Pin a message. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_messages_get (snowflake channel_id, snowflake around, snowflake before, snowflake after, uint64_t limit) |
| Get multiple messages. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_message_unpin (snowflake channel_id, snowflake message_id) |
| Unpin a message. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_poll_get_answer_voters (const message &m, uint32_t answer_id, snowflake after, uint64_t limit) |
| Get a list of users that voted for this specific answer. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_poll_get_answer_voters (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, uint32_t answer_id, snowflake after, uint64_t limit) |
| Get a list of users that voted for this specific answer. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_poll_end (const message &m) |
| Immediately end a poll. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_poll_end (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id) |
| Immediately end a poll. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_channel_pins_get (snowflake channel_id) |
| Get a channel's pins. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_role_create (const class role &r) |
| Create a role on a guild. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_role_delete (snowflake guild_id, snowflake role_id) |
| Delete a role. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_role_edit (const class role &r) |
| Edit a role on a guild. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_roles_edit_position (snowflake guild_id, const std::vector< role > &roles) |
| Edit multiple role's position in a guild. Returns a list of all roles of the guild on success. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_roles_get (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get a role for a guild. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_application_role_connection_get (snowflake application_id) |
| Get the application's role connection metadata records. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_application_role_connection_update (snowflake application_id, const std::vector< application_role_connection_metadata > &connection_metadata) |
| Update the application's role connection metadata records. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_user_application_role_connection_get (snowflake application_id) |
| Get user application role connection. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_user_application_role_connection_update (snowflake application_id, const application_role_connection &connection) |
| Update user application role connection. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_events_get (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get all scheduled events for a guild. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_event_create (const scheduled_event &event) |
| Create a scheduled event on a guild. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_event_delete (snowflake event_id, snowflake guild_id) |
| Delete a scheduled event from a guild. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_event_edit (const scheduled_event &event) |
| Edit/modify a scheduled event on a guild. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_event_get (snowflake guild_id, snowflake event_id) |
| Get a scheduled event for a guild. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_skus_get () |
| Returns all SKUs for a given application. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_stage_instance_get (const snowflake channel_id) |
| Get the stage instance associated with the channel id, if it exists. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_stage_instance_delete (const snowflake channel_id) |
| Delete a stage instance. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_sticker_create (const sticker &s) |
| Create a sticker in a guild. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_sticker_delete (snowflake sticker_id, snowflake guild_id) |
| Delete a sticker from a guild. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_sticker_get (snowflake id, snowflake guild_id) |
| Get a guild sticker. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_sticker_modify (const sticker &s) |
| Modify a sticker in a guild. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_stickers_get (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get all guild stickers. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_nitro_sticker_get (snowflake id) |
| Get a nitro sticker. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_sticker_packs_get () |
| Get a list of available sticker packs. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_create_from_template (const std::string &code, const std::string &name) |
| Create a new guild based on a template. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_template_create (snowflake guild_id, const std::string &name, const std::string &description) |
| Creates a template for the guild. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_template_delete (snowflake guild_id, const std::string &code) |
| Deletes the template. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_template_modify (snowflake guild_id, const std::string &code, const std::string &name, const std::string &description) |
| Modifies the template's metadata. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_templates_get (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get guild templates. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_template_sync (snowflake guild_id, const std::string &code) |
| Syncs the template to the guild's current state. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_template_get (const std::string &code) |
| Get a template. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_current_user_join_thread (snowflake thread_id) |
| Join a thread. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_current_user_leave_thread (snowflake thread_id) |
| Leave a thread. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_threads_get_active (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get all active threads in the guild, including public and private threads. Threads are ordered by their id, in descending order. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_threads_get_joined_private_archived (snowflake channel_id, snowflake before_id, uint16_t limit) |
| Get private archived threads in a channel which current user has joined (Sorted by ID in descending order) More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_threads_get_private_archived (snowflake channel_id, time_t before_timestamp, uint16_t limit) |
| Get private archived threads in a channel (Sorted by archive_timestamp in descending order) More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_threads_get_public_archived (snowflake channel_id, time_t before_timestamp, uint16_t limit) |
| Get public archived threads in a channel (Sorted by archive_timestamp in descending order) More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_thread_member_get (const snowflake thread_id, const snowflake user_id) |
| Get a thread member. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_thread_members_get (snowflake thread_id) |
| Get members of a thread. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_thread_create_in_forum (const std::string &thread_name, snowflake channel_id, const message &msg, auto_archive_duration_t auto_archive_duration, uint16_t rate_limit_per_user, std::vector< snowflake > applied_tags={}) |
| Create a thread in a forum or media channel. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_thread_create (const std::string &thread_name, snowflake channel_id, uint16_t auto_archive_duration, channel_type thread_type, bool invitable, uint16_t rate_limit_per_user) |
| Create a thread. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_thread_edit (const thread &t) |
| Edit a thread. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_thread_create_with_message (const std::string &thread_name, snowflake channel_id, snowflake message_id, uint16_t auto_archive_duration, uint16_t rate_limit_per_user) |
| Create a thread with a message (Discord: ID of a thread is same as message ID) More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_thread_member_add (snowflake thread_id, snowflake user_id) |
| Add a member to a thread. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_thread_member_remove (snowflake thread_id, snowflake user_id) |
| Remove a member from a thread. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_thread_get (snowflake thread_id) |
| Get the thread specified by thread_id. This uses the same call as dpp::cluster::channel_get but returns a thread object. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_current_user_edit (const std::string &nickname, const std::string &avatar_blob="", const image_type avatar_type=i_png, const std::string &banner_blob="", const image_type banner_type=i_png) |
| Edit current (bot) user. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_current_application_get () |
| Get current (bot) application. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_current_user_get () |
| Get current (bot) user. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_current_user_set_voice_state (snowflake guild_id, snowflake channel_id, bool suppress=false, time_t request_to_speak_timestamp=0) |
| Set the bot's voice state on a stage channel. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_user_set_voice_state (snowflake user_id, snowflake guild_id, snowflake channel_id, bool suppress=false) |
| Set a user's voice state on a stage channel. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_current_user_connections_get () |
| Get current user's connections (linked accounts, e.g. steam, xbox). This call requires the oauth2 connections scope and cannot be executed against a bot token. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_current_user_get_guilds () |
| Get current (bot) user guilds. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_current_user_leave_guild (snowflake guild_id) |
| Leave a guild. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_user_get (snowflake user_id) |
| Get a user by id, without using the cache. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_user_get_cached (snowflake user_id) |
| Get a user by id, checking in the cache first. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_get_voice_regions () |
| Get all voice regions. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_guild_get_voice_regions (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get guild voice regions. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_delete_webhook (snowflake webhook_id) |
| Delete a webhook. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_delete_webhook_message (const class webhook &wh, snowflake message_id, snowflake thread_id=0) |
| Delete webhook message. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_delete_webhook_with_token (snowflake webhook_id, const std::string &token) |
| Delete webhook with token. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_edit_webhook (const class webhook &wh) |
| Edit webhook. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_edit_webhook_message (const class webhook &wh, const struct message &m, snowflake thread_id=0) |
| Edit webhook message. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_edit_webhook_with_token (const class webhook &wh) |
| Edit webhook with token (token is encapsulated in the webhook object) More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_execute_webhook (const class webhook &wh, const struct message &m, bool wait=false, snowflake thread_id=0, const std::string &thread_name="") |
| Execute webhook. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_get_channel_webhooks (snowflake channel_id) |
| Get channel webhooks. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_get_guild_webhooks (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get guild webhooks. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_get_webhook (snowflake webhook_id) |
| Get webhook. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_get_webhook_message (const class webhook &wh, snowflake message_id, snowflake thread_id=0) |
| Get webhook message. More...
async< confirmation_callback_t > | co_get_webhook_with_token (snowflake webhook_id, const std::string &token) |
| Get webhook using token. More...
slashcommand_map | global_bulk_command_create_sync (const std::vector< slashcommand > &commands) |
| Create/overwrite global slash commands. Any existing global slash commands will be deleted and replaced with these. More...
slashcommand_map | global_bulk_command_delete_sync () |
| Delete all existing global slash commands. More...
slashcommand | global_command_create_sync (const slashcommand &s) |
| Create a global slash command (a bot can have a maximum of 100 of these). More...
slashcommand | global_command_get_sync (snowflake id) |
| Get a global slash command. More...
confirmation | global_command_delete_sync (snowflake id) |
| Delete a global slash command (a bot can have a maximum of 100 of these) More...
confirmation | global_command_edit_sync (const slashcommand &s) |
| Edit a global slash command (a bot can have a maximum of 100 of these) More...
slashcommand_map | global_commands_get_sync () |
| Get the application's global slash commands. More...
slashcommand_map | guild_bulk_command_create_sync (const std::vector< slashcommand > &commands, snowflake guild_id) |
| Create/overwrite guild slash commands. Any existing guild slash commands on this guild will be deleted and replaced with these. More...
slashcommand_map | guild_bulk_command_delete_sync (snowflake guild_id) |
| Delete all existing guild slash commands. More...
guild_command_permissions_map | guild_commands_get_permissions_sync (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get all slash command permissions of a guild. More...
guild_command_permissions_map | guild_bulk_command_edit_permissions_sync (const std::vector< slashcommand > &commands, snowflake guild_id) |
| Edit/Overwrite the permissions of all existing slash commands in a guild. More...
slashcommand | guild_command_create_sync (const slashcommand &s, snowflake guild_id) |
| Create a slash command local to a guild. More...
confirmation | guild_command_delete_sync (snowflake id, snowflake guild_id) |
| Delete a slash command local to a guild. More...
confirmation | guild_command_edit_permissions_sync (const slashcommand &s, snowflake guild_id) |
| Edit slash command permissions of a guild. More...
slashcommand | guild_command_get_sync (snowflake id, snowflake guild_id) |
| Get a slash command of a guild. More...
guild_command_permissions | guild_command_get_permissions_sync (snowflake id, snowflake guild_id) |
| Get the permissions for a slash command of a guild. More...
confirmation | guild_command_edit_sync (const slashcommand &s, snowflake guild_id) |
| Edit a slash command local to a guild. More...
slashcommand_map | guild_commands_get_sync (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get the application's slash commands for a guild. More...
confirmation | interaction_response_create_sync (snowflake interaction_id, const std::string &token, const interaction_response &r) |
| Respond to a slash command. More...
confirmation | interaction_response_edit_sync (const std::string &token, const message &m) |
| Edit response to a slash command. More...
message | interaction_response_get_original_sync (const std::string &token) |
| Get the original response to a slash command. More...
confirmation | interaction_followup_create_sync (const std::string &token, const message &m) |
| Create a followup message to a slash command. More...
confirmation | interaction_followup_edit_original_sync (const std::string &token, const message &m) |
| Edit original followup message to a slash command This is an alias for cluster::interaction_response_edit. More...
confirmation | interaction_followup_delete_sync (const std::string &token) |
| Delete the initial interaction response. More...
confirmation | interaction_followup_edit_sync (const std::string &token, const message &m) |
| Edit followup message to a slash command The message ID in the message you pass should be correctly set to that of a followup message you previously sent. More...
message | interaction_followup_get_sync (const std::string &token, snowflake message_id) |
| Get the followup message to a slash command. More...
message | interaction_followup_get_original_sync (const std::string &token) |
| Get the original followup message to a slash command This is an alias for cluster::interaction_response_get_original. More...
automod_rule_map | automod_rules_get_sync (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get all auto moderation rules for a guild. More...
automod_rule | automod_rule_get_sync (snowflake guild_id, snowflake rule_id) |
| Get a single auto moderation rule. More...
automod_rule | automod_rule_create_sync (snowflake guild_id, const automod_rule &r) |
| Create an auto moderation rule. More...
automod_rule | automod_rule_edit_sync (snowflake guild_id, const automod_rule &r) |
| Edit an auto moderation rule. More...
confirmation | automod_rule_delete_sync (snowflake guild_id, snowflake rule_id) |
| Delete an auto moderation rule. More...
channel | channel_create_sync (const class channel &c) |
| Create a channel. More...
confirmation | channel_delete_permission_sync (const class channel &c, snowflake overwrite_id) |
| Remove a permission from a channel. More...
confirmation | channel_delete_sync (snowflake channel_id) |
| Delete a channel. More...
confirmation | channel_edit_permissions_sync (const class channel &c, const snowflake overwrite_id, const uint64_t allow, const uint64_t deny, const bool member) |
| Edit a channel's permissions. More...
confirmation | channel_edit_permissions_sync (const snowflake channel_id, const snowflake overwrite_id, const uint64_t allow, const uint64_t deny, const bool member) |
| Edit a channel's permissions. More...
confirmation | channel_edit_positions_sync (const std::vector< channel > &c) |
| Edit multiple channels positions. More...
channel | channel_edit_sync (const class channel &c) |
| Edit a channel. More...
confirmation | channel_follow_news_sync (const class channel &c, snowflake target_channel_id) |
| Follow an announcement (news) channel. More...
channel | channel_get_sync (snowflake c) |
| Get a channel. More...
invite | channel_invite_create_sync (const class channel &c, const class invite &i) |
| Create invite for a channel. More...
invite_map | channel_invites_get_sync (const class channel &c) |
| Get invites for a channel. More...
confirmation | channel_typing_sync (const class channel &c) |
| Trigger channel typing indicator. More...
confirmation | channel_typing_sync (snowflake cid) |
| Trigger channel typing indicator. More...
channel_map | channels_get_sync (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get all channels for a guild. More...
confirmation | channel_set_voice_status_sync (snowflake channel_id, const std::string &status) |
| Set the status of a voice channel. More...
channel | create_dm_channel_sync (snowflake user_id) |
| Create a dm channel. More...
channel_map | current_user_get_dms_sync () |
| Get current user DM channels. More...
message | direct_message_create_sync (snowflake user_id, const message &m) |
| Create a direct message, also create the channel for the direct message if needed. More...
confirmation | gdm_add_sync (snowflake channel_id, snowflake user_id, const std::string &access_token, const std::string &nick) |
| Adds a recipient to a Group DM using their access token. More...
confirmation | gdm_remove_sync (snowflake channel_id, snowflake user_id) |
| Removes a recipient from a Group DM. More...
emoji | guild_emoji_create_sync (snowflake guild_id, const class emoji &newemoji) |
| Create single emoji. You must ensure that the emoji passed contained image data using the emoji::load_image() method. More...
confirmation | guild_emoji_delete_sync (snowflake guild_id, snowflake emoji_id) |
| Delete a guild emoji. More...
emoji | guild_emoji_edit_sync (snowflake guild_id, const class emoji &newemoji) |
| Edit a single emoji. More...
emoji | guild_emoji_get_sync (snowflake guild_id, snowflake emoji_id) |
| Get a single emoji. More...
emoji_map | guild_emojis_get_sync (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get all emojis for a guild. More...
emoji_map | application_emojis_get_sync () |
| List all Application Emojis. More...
emoji | application_emoji_get_sync (snowflake emoji_id) |
| Get an Application Emoji. More...
emoji | application_emoji_create_sync (const class emoji &newemoji) |
| Create an Application Emoji. More...
emoji | application_emoji_edit_sync (const class emoji &newemoji) |
| Edit an Application Emoji. More...
confirmation | application_emoji_delete_sync (snowflake emoji_id) |
| Delete an Application Emoji. More...
entitlement_map | entitlements_get_sync (snowflake user_id=0, const std::vector< snowflake > &sku_ids={}, snowflake before_id=0, snowflake after_id=0, uint8_t limit=100, snowflake guild_id=0, bool exclude_ended=false) |
| Returns all entitlements for a given app, active and expired. More...
entitlement | entitlement_test_create_sync (const class entitlement &new_entitlement) |
| Creates a test entitlement to a given SKU for a given guild or user. Discord will act as though that user or guild has entitlement to your premium offering. More...
confirmation | entitlement_test_delete_sync (snowflake entitlement_id) |
| Deletes a currently-active test entitlement. Discord will act as though that user or guild no longer has entitlement to your premium offering. More...
confirmation | entitlement_consume_sync (snowflake entitlement_id) |
| For One-Time Purchase consumable SKUs, marks a given entitlement for the user as consumed. More...
gateway | get_gateway_bot_sync () |
| Get the gateway information for the bot using the token. More...
confirmation | guild_current_member_edit_sync (snowflake guild_id, const std::string &nickname) |
| Modify current member. More...
auditlog | guild_auditlog_get_sync (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, uint32_t action_type, snowflake before, snowflake after, uint32_t limit) |
| Get the audit log for a guild. More...
confirmation | guild_ban_add_sync (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, uint32_t delete_message_seconds=0) |
| Add guild ban. More...
confirmation | guild_ban_delete_sync (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id) |
| Delete guild ban. More...
guild | guild_create_sync (const class guild &g) |
| Create a guild. More...
confirmation | guild_delete_sync (snowflake guild_id) |
| Delete a guild. More...
confirmation | guild_delete_integration_sync (snowflake guild_id, snowflake integration_id) |
| Delete guild integration. More...
guild | guild_edit_sync (const class guild &g) |
| Edit a guild. More...
guild_widget | guild_edit_widget_sync (snowflake guild_id, const class guild_widget &gw) |
| Edit guild widget. More...
ban | guild_get_ban_sync (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id) |
| Get single guild ban. More...
ban_map | guild_get_bans_sync (snowflake guild_id, snowflake before, snowflake after, snowflake limit) |
| Get guild ban list. More...
integration_map | guild_get_integrations_sync (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get guild integrations. More...
invite | guild_get_vanity_sync (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get guild vanity url, if enabled. More...
guild_widget | guild_get_widget_sync (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get guild widget. More...
confirmation | guild_modify_integration_sync (snowflake guild_id, const class integration &i) |
| Modify guild integration. More...
prune | guild_get_prune_counts_sync (snowflake guild_id, const struct prune &pruneinfo) |
| Get prune counts. More...
prune | guild_begin_prune_sync (snowflake guild_id, const struct prune &pruneinfo) |
| Begin guild prune. More...
confirmation | guild_set_nickname_sync (snowflake guild_id, const std::string &nickname) |
| Change current user nickname. More...
confirmation | guild_sync_integration_sync (snowflake guild_id, snowflake integration_id) |
| Sync guild integration. More...
onboarding | guild_get_onboarding_sync (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get the guild's onboarding configuration. More...
onboarding | guild_edit_onboarding_sync (const struct onboarding &o) |
| Edit the guild's onboarding configuration. More...
dpp::welcome_screen | guild_get_welcome_screen_sync (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get the guild's welcome screen. More...
dpp::welcome_screen | guild_edit_welcome_screen_sync (snowflake guild_id, const struct welcome_screen &welcome_screen, bool enabled) |
| Edit the guild's welcome screen. More...
confirmation | guild_add_member_sync (const guild_member &gm, const std::string &access_token) |
| Add guild member. Needs a specific oauth2 scope, from which you get the access_token. More...
guild_member | guild_edit_member_sync (const guild_member &gm) |
| Edit the properties of an existing guild member. More...
guild_member | guild_get_member_sync (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id) |
| Get a guild member. More...
guild_member_map | guild_get_members_sync (snowflake guild_id, uint16_t limit, snowflake after) |
| Get all guild members. More...
confirmation | guild_member_add_role_sync (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, snowflake role_id) |
| Add role to guild member. More...
confirmation | guild_member_delete_sync (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id) |
| Remove (kick) a guild member. More...
confirmation | guild_member_kick_sync (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id) |
| Remove (kick) a guild member. More...
confirmation | guild_member_timeout_sync (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, time_t communication_disabled_until) |
| Set the timeout of a guild member. More...
confirmation | guild_member_timeout_remove_sync (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id) |
| Remove the timeout of a guild member. A shortcut for guild_member_timeout(guild_id, user_id, 0, callback) Fires a Guild Member Update Gateway event. More...
confirmation | guild_member_delete_role_sync (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, snowflake role_id) |
| Remove role from guild member. More...
confirmation | guild_member_remove_role_sync (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, snowflake role_id) |
| Remove role from guild member. More...
guild_member | guild_member_move_sync (const snowflake channel_id, const snowflake guild_id, const snowflake user_id) |
| Moves the guild member to a other voice channel, if member is connected to one. Set the channel_id to 0 to disconnect the user. More...
guild_member_map | guild_search_members_sync (snowflake guild_id, const std::string &query, uint16_t limit) |
| Search for guild members based on whether their username or nickname starts with the given string. More...
invite_map | guild_get_invites_sync (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get guild invites. More...
invite | invite_get_sync (const std::string &invite_code) |
| Get details about an invite. More...
confirmation | message_add_reaction_sync (const struct message &m, const std::string &reaction) |
| Add a reaction to a message. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
confirmation | message_add_reaction_sync (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, const std::string &reaction) |
| Add a reaction to a message by id. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
message | message_create_sync (const struct message &m) |
| Send a message to a channel. The callback function is called when the message has been sent. More...
message | message_crosspost_sync (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id) |
| Crosspost a message. The callback function is called when the message has been sent. More...
confirmation | message_delete_all_reactions_sync (const struct message &m) |
| Delete all reactions on a message. More...
confirmation | message_delete_all_reactions_sync (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id) |
| Delete all reactions on a message by id. More...
confirmation | message_delete_bulk_sync (const std::vector< snowflake > &message_ids, snowflake channel_id) |
| Bulk delete messages from a channel. The callback function is called when the message has been edited. More...
confirmation | message_delete_sync (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id) |
| Delete a message from a channel. The callback function is called when the message has been edited. More...
confirmation | message_delete_own_reaction_sync (const struct message &m, const std::string &reaction) |
| Delete own reaction from a message. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
confirmation | message_delete_own_reaction_sync (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, const std::string &reaction) |
| Delete own reaction from a message by id. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
confirmation | message_delete_reaction_sync (const struct message &m, snowflake user_id, const std::string &reaction) |
| Delete a user's reaction from a message. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
confirmation | message_delete_reaction_sync (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, snowflake user_id, const std::string &reaction) |
| Delete a user's reaction from a message by id. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
confirmation | message_delete_reaction_emoji_sync (const struct message &m, const std::string &reaction) |
| Delete all reactions on a message using a particular emoji. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
confirmation | message_delete_reaction_emoji_sync (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, const std::string &reaction) |
| Delete all reactions on a message using a particular emoji by id. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
message | message_edit_sync (const struct message &m) |
| Edit a message on a channel. The callback function is called when the message has been edited. More...
message | message_edit_flags_sync (const struct message &m) |
| Edit the flags of a message on a channel. The callback function is called when the message has been edited. More...
message | message_get_sync (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id) |
| Get a message. More...
user_map | message_get_reactions_sync (const struct message &m, const std::string &reaction, snowflake before, snowflake after, snowflake limit) |
| Get reactions on a message for a particular emoji. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
emoji_map | message_get_reactions_sync (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, const std::string &reaction, snowflake before, snowflake after, snowflake limit) |
| Get reactions on a message for a particular emoji by id. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
confirmation | message_pin_sync (snowflake channel_id, snowflake message_id) |
| Pin a message. More...
message_map | messages_get_sync (snowflake channel_id, snowflake around, snowflake before, snowflake after, uint64_t limit) |
| Get multiple messages. More...
confirmation | message_unpin_sync (snowflake channel_id, snowflake message_id) |
| Unpin a message. More...
user_map | poll_get_answer_voters_sync (const message &m, uint32_t answer_id, snowflake after, uint64_t limit) |
| Get a list of users that voted for this specific answer. More...
user_map | poll_get_answer_voters_sync (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, uint32_t answer_id, snowflake after, uint64_t limit) |
| Get a list of users that voted for this specific answer. More...
message | poll_end_sync (const message &m) |
| Immediately end a poll. More...
message | poll_end_sync (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id) |
| Immediately end a poll. More...
message_map | channel_pins_get_sync (snowflake channel_id) |
| Get a channel's pins. More...
role | role_create_sync (const class role &r) |
| Create a role on a guild. More...
confirmation | role_delete_sync (snowflake guild_id, snowflake role_id) |
| Delete a role. More...
role | role_edit_sync (const class role &r) |
| Edit a role on a guild. More...
role_map | roles_edit_position_sync (snowflake guild_id, const std::vector< role > &roles) |
| Edit multiple role's position in a guild. Returns a list of all roles of the guild on success. More...
role_map | roles_get_sync (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get a role for a guild. More...
application_role_connection | application_role_connection_get_sync (snowflake application_id) |
| Get the application's role connection metadata records. More...
application_role_connection | application_role_connection_update_sync (snowflake application_id, const std::vector< application_role_connection_metadata > &connection_metadata) |
| Update the application's role connection metadata records. More...
application_role_connection | user_application_role_connection_get_sync (snowflake application_id) |
| Get user application role connection. More...
application_role_connection | user_application_role_connection_update_sync (snowflake application_id, const application_role_connection &connection) |
| Update user application role connection. More...
scheduled_event_map | guild_events_get_sync (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get all scheduled events for a guild. More...
scheduled_event | guild_event_create_sync (const scheduled_event &event) |
| Create a scheduled event on a guild. More...
confirmation | guild_event_delete_sync (snowflake event_id, snowflake guild_id) |
| Delete a scheduled event from a guild. More...
scheduled_event | guild_event_edit_sync (const scheduled_event &event) |
| Edit/modify a scheduled event on a guild. More...
scheduled_event | guild_event_get_sync (snowflake guild_id, snowflake event_id) |
| Get a scheduled event for a guild. More...
sku_map | skus_get_sync () |
| Returns all SKUs for a given application. More...
stage_instance | stage_instance_get_sync (const snowflake channel_id) |
| Get the stage instance associated with the channel id, if it exists. More...
confirmation | stage_instance_delete_sync (const snowflake channel_id) |
| Delete a stage instance. More...
sticker | guild_sticker_create_sync (const sticker &s) |
| Create a sticker in a guild. More...
confirmation | guild_sticker_delete_sync (snowflake sticker_id, snowflake guild_id) |
| Delete a sticker from a guild. More...
sticker | guild_sticker_get_sync (snowflake id, snowflake guild_id) |
| Get a guild sticker. More...
sticker | guild_sticker_modify_sync (const sticker &s) |
| Modify a sticker in a guild. More...
sticker_map | guild_stickers_get_sync (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get all guild stickers. More...
sticker | nitro_sticker_get_sync (snowflake id) |
| Get a nitro sticker. More...
sticker_pack_map | sticker_packs_get_sync () |
| Get a list of available sticker packs. More...
guild | guild_create_from_template_sync (const std::string &code, const std::string &name) |
| Create a new guild based on a template. More...
dtemplate | guild_template_create_sync (snowflake guild_id, const std::string &name, const std::string &description) |
| Creates a template for the guild. More...
confirmation | guild_template_delete_sync (snowflake guild_id, const std::string &code) |
| Deletes the template. More...
dtemplate | guild_template_modify_sync (snowflake guild_id, const std::string &code, const std::string &name, const std::string &description) |
| Modifies the template's metadata. More...
dtemplate_map | guild_templates_get_sync (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get guild templates. More...
dtemplate | guild_template_sync_sync (snowflake guild_id, const std::string &code) |
| Syncs the template to the guild's current state. More...
dtemplate | template_get_sync (const std::string &code) |
| Get a template. More...
confirmation | current_user_join_thread_sync (snowflake thread_id) |
| Join a thread. More...
confirmation | current_user_leave_thread_sync (snowflake thread_id) |
| Leave a thread. More...
active_threads | threads_get_active_sync (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get all active threads in the guild, including public and private threads. Threads are ordered by their id, in descending order. More...
thread_map | threads_get_joined_private_archived_sync (snowflake channel_id, snowflake before_id, uint16_t limit) |
| Get private archived threads in a channel which current user has joined (Sorted by ID in descending order) More...
thread_map | threads_get_private_archived_sync (snowflake channel_id, time_t before_timestamp, uint16_t limit) |
| Get private archived threads in a channel (Sorted by archive_timestamp in descending order) More...
thread_map | threads_get_public_archived_sync (snowflake channel_id, time_t before_timestamp, uint16_t limit) |
| Get public archived threads in a channel (Sorted by archive_timestamp in descending order) More...
thread_member | thread_member_get_sync (const snowflake thread_id, const snowflake user_id) |
| Get a thread member. More...
thread_member_map | thread_members_get_sync (snowflake thread_id) |
| Get members of a thread. More...
thread | thread_create_in_forum_sync (const std::string &thread_name, snowflake channel_id, const message &msg, auto_archive_duration_t auto_archive_duration, uint16_t rate_limit_per_user, std::vector< snowflake > applied_tags={}) |
| Create a thread in a forum or media channel. More...
thread | thread_create_sync (const std::string &thread_name, snowflake channel_id, uint16_t auto_archive_duration, channel_type thread_type, bool invitable, uint16_t rate_limit_per_user) |
| Create a thread. More...
thread | thread_edit_sync (const thread &t) |
| Edit a thread. More...
thread | thread_create_with_message_sync (const std::string &thread_name, snowflake channel_id, snowflake message_id, uint16_t auto_archive_duration, uint16_t rate_limit_per_user) |
| Create a thread with a message (Discord: ID of a thread is same as message ID) More...
confirmation | thread_member_add_sync (snowflake thread_id, snowflake user_id) |
| Add a member to a thread. More...
confirmation | thread_member_remove_sync (snowflake thread_id, snowflake user_id) |
| Remove a member from a thread. More...
thread | thread_get_sync (snowflake thread_id) |
| Get the thread specified by thread_id. This uses the same call as dpp::cluster::channel_get but returns a thread object. More...
user | current_user_edit_sync (const std::string &nickname, const std::string &avatar_blob="", const image_type avatar_type=i_png, const std::string &banner_blob="", const image_type banner_type=i_png) |
| Edit current (bot) user. More...
application | current_application_get_sync () |
| Get current (bot) application. More...
user_identified | current_user_get_sync () |
| Get current (bot) user. More...
confirmation | current_user_set_voice_state_sync (snowflake guild_id, snowflake channel_id, bool suppress=false, time_t request_to_speak_timestamp=0) |
| Set the bot's voice state on a stage channel. More...
confirmation | user_set_voice_state_sync (snowflake user_id, snowflake guild_id, snowflake channel_id, bool suppress=false) |
| Set a user's voice state on a stage channel. More...
connection_map | current_user_connections_get_sync () |
| Get current user's connections (linked accounts, e.g. steam, xbox). This call requires the oauth2 connections scope and cannot be executed against a bot token. More...
guild_map | current_user_get_guilds_sync () |
| Get current (bot) user guilds. More...
confirmation | current_user_leave_guild_sync (snowflake guild_id) |
| Leave a guild. More...
user_identified | user_get_sync (snowflake user_id) |
| Get a user by id, without using the cache. More...
user_identified | user_get_cached_sync (snowflake user_id) |
| Get a user by id, checking in the cache first. More...
voiceregion_map | get_voice_regions_sync () |
| Get all voice regions. More...
voiceregion_map | guild_get_voice_regions_sync (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get guild voice regions. More...
confirmation | delete_webhook_sync (snowflake webhook_id) |
| Delete a webhook. More...
confirmation | delete_webhook_message_sync (const class webhook &wh, snowflake message_id, snowflake thread_id=0) |
| Delete webhook message. More...
confirmation | delete_webhook_with_token_sync (snowflake webhook_id, const std::string &token) |
| Delete webhook with token. More...
webhook | edit_webhook_sync (const class webhook &wh) |
| Edit webhook. More...
message | edit_webhook_message_sync (const class webhook &wh, const struct message &m, snowflake thread_id=0) |
| Edit webhook message. More...
webhook | edit_webhook_with_token_sync (const class webhook &wh) |
| Edit webhook with token (token is encapsulated in the webhook object) More...
message | execute_webhook_sync (const class webhook &wh, const struct message &m, bool wait=false, snowflake thread_id=0, const std::string &thread_name="") |
| Execute webhook. More...
webhook_map | get_channel_webhooks_sync (snowflake channel_id) |
| Get channel webhooks. More...
webhook_map | get_guild_webhooks_sync (snowflake guild_id) |
| Get guild webhooks. More...
webhook | get_webhook_sync (snowflake webhook_id) |
| Get webhook. More...
message | get_webhook_message_sync (const class webhook &wh, snowflake message_id, snowflake thread_id=0) |
| Get webhook message. More...
webhook | get_webhook_with_token_sync (snowflake webhook_id, const std::string &token) |
| Get webhook using token. More...