D++ (DPP)
C++ Discord API Bot Library
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Cdpp::activityAn activity is a representation of what a user is doing. It might be a game, or a website, or a movie. Whatever
 Cdpp::attachmentRepresents an attachment in a dpp::message
 Cdpp::audit_changeDefines audit log changes
 Cdpp::audit_entryAn individual audit log entry
 Cdpp::audit_extraExtra information for an audit log entry
 Cdpp::auditlogThe auditlog class represents the audit log entry of a guild
 Cdpp::banThe ban class represents a ban on a guild
 Cdpp::bucket_tA rate limit bucket. The library builds one of these for each endpoint
 Cdpp::cacheA cache object maintains a cache of dpp::managed objects. This is for example users, channels or guilds
 Cdpp::cache_policy_tRepresents the caching policy of the cluster
 Cdpp::clusterThe cluster class represents a group of shards and a command queue for sending and receiving commands from discord via HTTP. You should usually instantiate a cluster object at the very least to make use of the library
 Cdpp::command_data_optionValues in the command interaction. These are the values specified by the user when actually issuing the command on a channel or in DM
 Cdpp::command_info_tRepresents the details of a command added to the command handler class
 Cdpp::command_interactionDetails of a command within an interaction. This subobject represents the application command associated with the interaction
 Cdpp::command_optionEach command option is a command line parameter. It can have a type (see dpp::command_option_type), a name, a description, can be required or optional, and can have zero or more choices (for multiple choice), plus options. Adding options acts like sub-commands and can contain more options
 Cdpp::command_option_choiceThis struct represents choices in a multiple choice option for a command parameter. It has both a string name, and a value parameter which is a variant, meaning it can hold different potential types (see dpp::command_value) that you can retrieve with std::get()
 Cdpp::command_permissionApplication command permissions allow you to enable or disable commands for specific users or roles within a guild
 Cdpp::command_resolvedResolved snowflake ids to users, guild members, roles and channels
 Cdpp::command_sourceRepresents the sending source of a command. This is passed to any command handler and should be passed back to commandhandler::reply(), allowing the reply method to route any replies back to the origin, which may be a slash command or a message. Both require different response facilities but we want this to be transparent if you use the command handler class
 Cdpp::commandhandlerThe commandhandler class represents a group of commands, prefixed or slash commands with handling functions
 Cdpp::componentRepresents the component object. A component is a clickable button or drop down list within a discord message, where the buttons emit on_button_click events when the user interacts with them
 Cdpp::component_interactionA button click for a button component
 Cdpp::confirmationConfirmation object represents any true or false simple REST request
 Cdpp::confirmation_callback_tThe results of a REST call wrapped in a convenient struct
 Cdpp::dispatcherThe dispatcher class contains a set of std::functions representing hooked events that the user code is interested in. These are modified via the on_eventname style methods in the cluster class
 Cdpp::dtemplateRepresents a guild template
 Cdpp::embedA rich embed for display within a dpp::message
 Cdpp::embed_authorAuthor within a dpp::embed object
 Cdpp::embed_fieldA dpp::embed may contain zero or more fields
 Cdpp::embed_footerA footer in a dpp::embed
 Cdpp::embed_imageAn video, image or thumbnail in a dpp::embed
 Cdpp::embed_providerEmbed provider in a dpp::embed. Received from discord but cannot be sent
 Cdpp::error_detailThe details of a field in an error response
 Cdpp::error_infoThe full details of an error from a REST response
 Cdpp::events::eventAn event object represents an event handled internally, passed from the websocket e.g. MESSAGE_CREATE
 Cdpp::event_dispatch_tBase event parameter struct
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cdpp::gatewayRepresents the various information from the 'get gateway bot' api call
 Cdpp::guild_command_permissionsReturned when fetching the permissions for a command in a guild
 Cdpp::guild_memberRepresents dpp::user membership upon a dpp::guild
 Cdpp::guild_widgetRepresents a guild widget, simple web widget of member list
 Cdpp::http_requestA HTTP request
 Cdpp::http_request_completion_tThe result of any HTTP request. Contains the headers, vital rate limit figures, and returned request body
 Cdpp::utility::iconhashStore a 128 bit icon hash (profile picture, server icon etc) as a 128 bit binary value made of two uint64_t. Has a constructor to build one from a string, and a method to fetch the value back in string form
 Cdpp::integration_appAn application that has been integrated
 Cdpp::interaction_responseA response to an interaction, used to reply to a command and initiate a message, which can be hidden from others (ephemeral) or visible to all
 Cdpp::inviteRepresents an invite to a discord guild or channel
 Cdpp::managedThe managed class is the base class for various types that can be stored in a cache that are identified by a dpp::snowflake id
 Cdpp::messageRepresents messages sent and received on Discord
 Cdpp::param_infoDetails of a command parameter used in registration. Note that for non-slash commands optional parameters can only be at the end of the list of parameters
 Cdpp::permission_overwriteChannel permission overwrites
 Cdpp::presenceRepresents user presence, e.g. what game they are playing and if they are online
 Cdpp::pruneDefines a request to count prunable users, or start a prune operation
 Cdpp::reactionRepresets a reaction to a dpp::message
 Cdpp::request_queueThe request_queue class manages rate limits and marshalls HTTP requests that have been built as http_request objects
 Cdpp::resolved_userDpp::resolved_user contains both a dpp::guild_member and a dpp::user. The user can be used to obtain in-depth user details such as if they are nitro, and the guild member information to check their roles on a guild etc. The Discord API provides both if a parameter is a user ping, so we offer both in a combined structure
 Cdpp::ssl_clientImplements a simple non-blocking SSL stream client
 Cdpp::stickerRepresents stickers received in messages
 Cdpp::thread_memberRepresents membership of a user with a thread
 Cdpp::thread_metadataMetadata for threads
 Cdpp::utility::uptimeA class used to represent an uptime in hours, minutes, seconds and days, with helper functions to convert from time_t and display as a string
 Cdpp::voiceconnRepresents a connection to a voice channel. A client can only connect to one voice channel per guild at a time, so these are stored in a map in the dpp::discord_client keyed by guild_id
 Cdpp::voiceregionRepresents a voice region on discord
 Cdpp::voicestateRepresents the voice state of a user on a guild These are stored in the dpp::guild object, and accessible there, or via dpp::channel::get_voice_members
D++ Library version 10.1.1D++ Library version 10.1.0D++ Library version 10.0.35D++ Library version 10.0.34D++ Library version 10.0.33D++ Library version 10.0.32D++ Library version 10.0.31D++ Library version 10.0.30D++ Library version 10.0.29D++ Library version 10.0.28D++ Library version 10.0.27D++ Library version 10.0.26D++ Library version 10.0.25D++ Library version 10.0.24D++ Library version 10.0.23D++ Library version 10.0.22D++ Library version 10.0.21D++ Library version 10.0.20D++ Library version 10.0.19D++ Library version 10.0.18D++ Library version 10.0.17D++ Library version 10.0.16D++ Library version 10.0.15D++ Library version 10.0.14D++ Library version 10.0.13D++ Library version 10.0.12D++ Library version 10.0.11D++ Library version 10.0.10D++ Library version 10.0.9D++ Library version 10.0.8D++ Library version 10.0.7D++ Library version 10.0.6D++ Library version 10.0.5D++ Library version 10.0.4D++ Library version 10.0.3D++ Library version 10.0.2D++ Library version 10.0.1D++ Library version 10.0.0D++ Library version 9.0.19D++ Library version 9.0.18D++ Library version 9.0.17D++ Library version 9.0.16D++ Library version 9.0.15D++ Library version 9.0.14D++ Library version 9.0.13D++ Library version 9.0.12D++ Library version 9.0.11D++ Library version 9.0.10D++ Library version 9.0.9D++ Library version 9.0.8D++ Library version 9.0.7D++ Library version 9.0.6D++ Library version 9.0.5D++ Library version 9.0.4D++ Library version 9.0.3D++ Library version 9.0.2D++ Library version 9.0.1D++ Library version 9.0.0D++ Library version 1.0.2D++ Library version 1.0.1D++ Library version 1.0.0