D++ (DPP)
C++ Discord API Bot Library
dpp::discord_voice_client Class Reference

Implements a discord voice connection. Each discord_voice_client connects to one voice channel and derives from a websocket client. More...

#include <discordvoiceclient.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for dpp::discord_voice_client:
+ Collaboration diagram for dpp::discord_voice_client:

Public Types

enum  send_audio_type_t { satype_recorded_audio , satype_live_audio }
 The audio type to be sent. The default type is recorded audio. More...

Public Member Functions

void set_user_gain (snowflake user_id, float factor)
 Sets the gain for the specified user. More...
virtual void log (dpp::loglevel severity, const std::string &msg) const
 Log a message to whatever log the user is using. The logged message is passed up the chain to the on_log event in user code which can then do whatever it wants to do with it. More...
virtual void one_second_timer ()
 Fires every second from the underlying socket I/O loop, used for sending heartbeats. More...
bool is_ready ()
 voice client is ready to stream audio. The voice client is considered ready if it has a secret key. More...
bool is_connected ()
 Returns true if the voice client is connected to the websocket. More...
dpp::utility::uptime get_uptime ()
 Returns the connection time of the voice client. More...
 discord_voice_client (dpp::cluster *_cluster, snowflake _channel_id, snowflake _server_id, const std::string &_token, const std::string &_session_id, const std::string &_host)
virtual ~discord_voice_client ()
 Destroy the discord voice client object. More...
virtual bool handle_frame (const std::string &buffer)
 Handle JSON from the websocket. More...
virtual void error (uint32_t errorcode)
 Handle a websocket error. More...
void run ()
 Start and monitor I/O loop. More...
discord_voice_clientsend_audio_raw (uint16_t *audio_data, const size_t length)
 Send raw audio to the voice channel. More...
discord_voice_clientsend_audio_opus (uint8_t *opus_packet, const size_t length, uint64_t duration)
 Send opus packets to the voice channel. More...
discord_voice_clientsend_audio_opus (uint8_t *opus_packet, const size_t length)
 Send opus packets to the voice channel. More...
discord_voice_clientsend_silence (const uint64_t duration)
 Send silence to the voice channel. More...
discord_voice_clientset_send_audio_type (send_audio_type_t type)
 Sets the audio type that will be sent with send_audio_* methods. More...
discord_voice_clientset_timescale (uint64_t new_timescale)
 Set the timescale in nanoseconds. More...
uint64_t get_timescale ()
 Get the current timescale, this will default to 1000000 which means 1 millisecond. More...
discord_voice_clientspeak ()
 Mark the voice connection as 'speaking'. This sends a JSON message to the voice websocket which tells discord that the user is speaking. The library automatically calls this for you whenever you send audio. More...
discord_voice_clientpause_audio (bool pause)
 Pause sending of audio. More...
discord_voice_clientstop_audio ()
 Immediately stop all audio. Clears the packet queue. More...
bool is_playing ()
 Returns true if we are playing audio. More...
float get_secs_remaining ()
 Get the number of seconds remaining of the audio output buffer. More...
uint32_t get_tracks_remaining ()
 Get the number of tracks remaining in the output buffer. This is calculated by the number of track markers plus one. More...
dpp::utility::uptime get_remaining ()
 Get the time remaining to send the audio output buffer in hours:minutes:seconds. More...
discord_voice_clientinsert_marker (const std::string &metadata="")
 Insert a track marker into the audio output buffer. A track marker is an arbitrary flag in the buffer contents that indicates the end of some block of audio of significance to the sender. This may be a song from a streaming site, or some voice audio/speech, a sound effect, or whatever you choose. You can later skip to the next marker using the dpp::discord_voice_client::skip_to_next_marker function. More...
discord_voice_clientskip_to_next_marker ()
 Skip tp the next track marker, previously inserted by using the dpp::discord_voice_client::insert_marker function. If there are no markers in the output buffer, then this skips to the end of the buffer and is equivalent to the dpp::discord_voice_client::stop_audio function. More...
const std::vector< std::string > get_marker_metadata ()
 Get the metadata string associated with each inserted marker. More...
bool is_paused ()
 Returns true if the audio is paused. You can unpause with dpp::discord_voice_client::pause_audio. More...
std::string discover_ip ()
 Discord external IP detection. More...
virtual void write (const std::string &data)
 Write to websocket. Encapsulates data in frames if the status is CONNECTED. More...
virtual bool handle_buffer (std::string &buffer)
 Processes incoming frames from the SSL socket input buffer. More...
virtual void close ()
 Close websocket. More...
void send_close_packet ()
 Send OP_CLOSE error code 1000 to the other side of the connection. This indicates graceful close. More...
uint64_t get_bytes_out ()
 Get the bytes out objectGet total bytes sent. More...
uint64_t get_bytes_in ()
 Get total bytes received. More...
std::string get_cipher ()
 Get SSL cipher name. More...
void read_loop ()
 Nonblocking I/O loop. More...

Public Attributes

class dpp::clustercreator
 Owning cluster. More...
bool terminating
 True when the thread is shutting down. More...
uint32_t heartbeat_interval
 Heartbeat interval for sending heartbeat keepalive. More...
time_t last_heartbeat
 Last voice channel websocket heartbeat. More...
std::thread::native_handle_type thread_id
 Thread ID. More...
std::string token
 Discord voice session token. More...
std::string sessionid
 Discord voice session id. More...
snowflake server_id
 Server ID. More...
snowflake channel_id
 Channel ID. More...
enum dpp::discord_voice_client::send_audio_type_t send_audio_type = satype_recorded_audio
socket_callback_t custom_readable_fd
 Attaching an additional file descriptor to this function will send notifications when there is data to read. More...
socket_callback_t custom_writeable_fd
 Attaching an additional file descriptor to this function will send notifications when you are able to write to the socket. More...
socket_notification_t custom_readable_ready
 This event will be called when you can read from the custom fd. More...
socket_notification_t custom_writeable_ready
 This event will be called when you can write to a custom fd. More...
bool keepalive
 True if we are keeping the connection alive after it has finished. More...

Static Public Attributes

static bool sodium_initialised
 This needs to be static, we only initialise libsodium once per program start, so initialising it on first use in a voice connection is best. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void connect ()
 (Re)connect More...
ws_state get_state ()
 Get websocket state. More...

Protected Attributes

std::string buffer
 Input buffer received from socket. More...
std::string obuffer
 Output buffer for sending to socket. More...
bool nonblocking
 True if in nonblocking mode. The socket switches to nonblocking mode once ReadLoop is called. More...
dpp::socket sfd
 Raw file descriptor of connection. More...
openssl_connection * ssl
 Openssl opaque contexts. More...
std::string cipher
 SSL cipher in use. More...
time_t last_tick
 For timers. More...
std::string hostname
 Hostname connected to. More...
uint64_t bytes_out
 Bytes out. More...
uint64_t bytes_in
 Bytes in. More...
bool plaintext
 True for a plain text connection. More...
bool make_new
 True if we are establishing a new connection, false if otherwise. More...

Detailed Description

Implements a discord voice connection. Each discord_voice_client connects to one voice channel and derives from a websocket client.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ send_audio_type_t

The audio type to be sent. The default type is recorded audio.

If the audio is recorded, the sending of audio packets is throttled. Otherwise, if the audio is live, the sending is not throttled.

Discord voice engine is expecting audio data as if they were from some audio device, e.g. microphone, where the data become available as they get captured from the audio device.

In case of recorded audio, unlike from a device, the audio data are usually instantly available in large chunks. Throttling is needed to simulate audio data coming from an audio device. In case of live audio, the throttling is by nature, so no extra throttling is needed.

Using live audio mode for recorded audio can cause Discord to skip audio data because Discord does not expect to receive, say, 3 minutes' worth of audio data in 1 second.

Use discord_voice_client::set_send_audio_type to change this value as it ensures thread safety.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ discord_voice_client()

dpp::discord_voice_client::discord_voice_client ( dpp::cluster _cluster,
snowflake  _channel_id,
snowflake  _server_id,
const std::string &  _token,
const std::string &  _session_id,
const std::string &  _host 

Constructor takes shard id, max shards and token.

_clusterThe cluster which owns this voice connection, for related logging, REST requests etc
_channel_idThe channel id to identify the voice connection as
_server_idThe server id (guild id) to identify the voice connection as
_tokenThe voice session token to use for identifying to the websocket
_session_idThe voice session id to identify with
_hostThe voice server hostname to connect to (hostname:port format)
dpp::voice_exceptionSodium or Opus failed to initialise, or D++ is not compiled with voice support

◆ ~discord_voice_client()

virtual dpp::discord_voice_client::~discord_voice_client ( )

Destroy the discord voice client object.

Member Function Documentation

◆ close()

virtual void dpp::websocket_client::close ( )

Close websocket.

Reimplemented from dpp::ssl_client.

◆ connect()

virtual void dpp::websocket_client::connect ( )


Reimplemented from dpp::ssl_client.

◆ discover_ip()

std::string dpp::discord_voice_client::discover_ip ( )

Discord external IP detection.

std::string Your external IP address
This is a blocking operation that waits for a single packet from Discord's voice servers.

◆ error()

virtual void dpp::discord_voice_client::error ( uint32_t  errorcode)

Handle a websocket error.

errorcodeThe error returned from the websocket

Reimplemented from dpp::websocket_client.

◆ get_bytes_in()

uint64_t dpp::ssl_client::get_bytes_in ( )

Get total bytes received.

uint64_t bytes received

◆ get_bytes_out()

uint64_t dpp::ssl_client::get_bytes_out ( )

Get the bytes out objectGet total bytes sent.

uint64_t bytes sent

◆ get_cipher()

std::string dpp::ssl_client::get_cipher ( )

Get SSL cipher name.

std::string ssl cipher name

◆ get_marker_metadata()

const std::vector< std::string > dpp::discord_voice_client::get_marker_metadata ( )

Get the metadata string associated with each inserted marker.

const std::vector<std::string>& list of metadata strings

◆ get_remaining()

dpp::utility::uptime dpp::discord_voice_client::get_remaining ( )

Get the time remaining to send the audio output buffer in hours:minutes:seconds.

dpp::utility::uptime length of buffer

◆ get_secs_remaining()

float dpp::discord_voice_client::get_secs_remaining ( )

Get the number of seconds remaining of the audio output buffer.

float number of seconds remaining

◆ get_state()

ws_state dpp::websocket_client::get_state ( )

Get websocket state.

websocket state

◆ get_timescale()

uint64_t dpp::discord_voice_client::get_timescale ( )

Get the current timescale, this will default to 1000000 which means 1 millisecond.

uint64_t timescale in nanoseconds

◆ get_tracks_remaining()

uint32_t dpp::discord_voice_client::get_tracks_remaining ( )

Get the number of tracks remaining in the output buffer. This is calculated by the number of track markers plus one.

uint32_t Number of tracks in the buffer

◆ get_uptime()

dpp::utility::uptime dpp::discord_voice_client::get_uptime ( )

Returns the connection time of the voice client.

dpp::utility::uptime Detail of how long the voice client has been connected for

◆ handle_buffer()

virtual bool dpp::websocket_client::handle_buffer ( std::string &  buffer)

Processes incoming frames from the SSL socket input buffer.

bufferThe buffer contents. Can modify this value removing the head elements when processed.

Reimplemented from dpp::ssl_client.

◆ handle_frame()

virtual bool dpp::discord_voice_client::handle_frame ( const std::string &  buffer)

Handle JSON from the websocket.

bufferThe entire buffer content from the websocket client
bool True if a frame has been handled
dpp::exceptionIf there was an error processing the frame, or connection to UDP socket failed

Reimplemented from dpp::websocket_client.

◆ insert_marker()

discord_voice_client & dpp::discord_voice_client::insert_marker ( const std::string &  metadata = "")

Insert a track marker into the audio output buffer. A track marker is an arbitrary flag in the buffer contents that indicates the end of some block of audio of significance to the sender. This may be a song from a streaming site, or some voice audio/speech, a sound effect, or whatever you choose. You can later skip to the next marker using the dpp::discord_voice_client::skip_to_next_marker function.

metadataArbitrary information related to this track
reference to self

◆ is_connected()

bool dpp::discord_voice_client::is_connected ( )

Returns true if the voice client is connected to the websocket.

True if connected

◆ is_paused()

bool dpp::discord_voice_client::is_paused ( )

Returns true if the audio is paused. You can unpause with dpp::discord_voice_client::pause_audio.

true if paused

◆ is_playing()

bool dpp::discord_voice_client::is_playing ( )

Returns true if we are playing audio.

true if audio is playing

◆ is_ready()

bool dpp::discord_voice_client::is_ready ( )

voice client is ready to stream audio. The voice client is considered ready if it has a secret key.

true if ready to stream audio

◆ log()

virtual void dpp::discord_voice_client::log ( dpp::loglevel  severity,
const std::string &  msg 
) const

Log a message to whatever log the user is using. The logged message is passed up the chain to the on_log event in user code which can then do whatever it wants to do with it.

severityThe log level from dpp::loglevel
msgThe log message to output

Reimplemented from dpp::ssl_client.

◆ one_second_timer()

virtual void dpp::discord_voice_client::one_second_timer ( )

Fires every second from the underlying socket I/O loop, used for sending heartbeats.

dpp::exceptionif the socket needs to disconnect

Reimplemented from dpp::websocket_client.

◆ pause_audio()

discord_voice_client & dpp::discord_voice_client::pause_audio ( bool  pause)

Pause sending of audio.

pauseTrue to pause, false to resume
reference to self

◆ read_loop()

void dpp::ssl_client::read_loop ( )

Nonblocking I/O loop.

std::exceptionAny std::exception (or derivative) thrown from read_loop() causes reconnection of the shard

◆ run()

void dpp::discord_voice_client::run ( )

Start and monitor I/O loop.

◆ send_audio_opus() [1/2]

discord_voice_client & dpp::discord_voice_client::send_audio_opus ( uint8_t *  opus_packet,
const size_t  length 

Send opus packets to the voice channel.

Some containers such as .ogg may contain OPUS encoded data already. In this case, we don't need to encode the frames using opus here. We can bypass the codec, only applying libsodium to the stream.

Duration is calculated internally

opus_packetOpus packets. Discord expects opus frames to be encoded at 48000Hz
lengthThe length of the audio data.
discord_voice_client& Reference to self
It is your responsibility to ensure that packets of data sent to send_audio are correctly repacketized for streaming, e.g. that audio frames are not too large or contain an incorrect format. Discord will still expect the same frequency and bit width of audio and the same signedness.
dpp::voice_exceptionIf data length is invalid or voice support not compiled into D++

◆ send_audio_opus() [2/2]

discord_voice_client & dpp::discord_voice_client::send_audio_opus ( uint8_t *  opus_packet,
const size_t  length,
uint64_t  duration 

Send opus packets to the voice channel.

Some containers such as .ogg may contain OPUS encoded data already. In this case, we don't need to encode the frames using opus here. We can bypass the codec, only applying libsodium to the stream.

opus_packetOpus packets. Discord expects opus frames to be encoded at 48000Hz
lengthThe length of the audio data.
durationGenerally duration is 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40 or 60 if the timescale is 1000000 (1ms)
discord_voice_client& Reference to self
It is your responsibility to ensure that packets of data sent to send_audio are correctly repacketized for streaming, e.g. that audio frames are not too large or contain an incorrect format. Discord will still expect the same frequency and bit width of audio and the same signedness.
dpp::voice_exceptionIf data length is invalid or voice support not compiled into D++

◆ send_audio_raw()

discord_voice_client & dpp::discord_voice_client::send_audio_raw ( uint16_t *  audio_data,
const size_t  length 

Send raw audio to the voice channel.

You should send an audio packet of 11520 bytes. Note that this function can be costly as it has to opus encode the PCM audio on the fly, and also encrypt it with libsodium.

Because this function encrypts and encodes packets before pushing them onto the output queue, if you have a complete stream ready to send and know its length it is advisable to call this method multiple times to enqueue the entire stream audio so that it is all encoded at once (unless you have set use_opus to false). Constantly calling this from the dpp::on_voice_buffer_send callback can and will eat a TON of cpu!
audio_dataRaw PCM audio data. Channels are interleaved, with each channel's amplitude being a 16 bit value.

The audio data should be 48000Hz signed 16 bit audio.

lengthThe length of the audio data. The length should be a multiple of 4 (2x 16 bit stereo channels) with a maximum length of 11520, which is a complete opus frame at highest quality.
discord_voice_client& Reference to self
dpp::voice_exceptionIf data length is invalid or voice support not compiled into D++

◆ send_close_packet()

void dpp::websocket_client::send_close_packet ( )

Send OP_CLOSE error code 1000 to the other side of the connection. This indicates graceful close.

◆ send_silence()

discord_voice_client & dpp::discord_voice_client::send_silence ( const uint64_t  duration)

Send silence to the voice channel.

durationHow long to send silence for. With the standard timescale this is in milliseconds. Allowed values are 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40 or 60 milliseconds.
discord_voice_client& Reference to self
dpp::voice_exceptionif voice support is not compiled into D++

◆ set_send_audio_type()

discord_voice_client & dpp::discord_voice_client::set_send_audio_type ( send_audio_type_t  type)

Sets the audio type that will be sent with send_audio_* methods.

See also

◆ set_timescale()

discord_voice_client & dpp::discord_voice_client::set_timescale ( uint64_t  new_timescale)

Set the timescale in nanoseconds.

new_timescaleTimescale to set. This defaults to 1000000, which means 1 millisecond.
discord_voice_client& Reference to self
dpp::voice_exceptionIf data length is invalid or voice support not compiled into D++

◆ set_user_gain()

void dpp::discord_voice_client::set_user_gain ( snowflake  user_id,
float  factor 

Sets the gain for the specified user.

Similar to the User Volume slider, controls the listening volume per user. Uses native Opus gain control, so clients don't have to perform extra audio processing.

The gain setting will affect the both individual and combined voice audio.

The gain value can also be set even before the user connects to the voice channel.

user_idThe ID of the user where the gain is to be controlled.
factorNonnegative factor to scale the amplitude by, where 1.f reverts to the default volume.

◆ skip_to_next_marker()

discord_voice_client & dpp::discord_voice_client::skip_to_next_marker ( )

Skip tp the next track marker, previously inserted by using the dpp::discord_voice_client::insert_marker function. If there are no markers in the output buffer, then this skips to the end of the buffer and is equivalent to the dpp::discord_voice_client::stop_audio function.

It is possible to use this function while the output stream is paused.
reference to self

◆ speak()

discord_voice_client & dpp::discord_voice_client::speak ( )

Mark the voice connection as 'speaking'. This sends a JSON message to the voice websocket which tells discord that the user is speaking. The library automatically calls this for you whenever you send audio.

discord_voice_client& Reference to self

◆ stop_audio()

discord_voice_client & dpp::discord_voice_client::stop_audio ( )

Immediately stop all audio. Clears the packet queue.

reference to self

◆ write()

virtual void dpp::websocket_client::write ( const std::string &  data)

Write to websocket. Encapsulates data in frames if the status is CONNECTED.

dataThe data to send.

Reimplemented from dpp::ssl_client.

Member Data Documentation

◆ buffer

std::string dpp::ssl_client::buffer

Input buffer received from socket.

◆ bytes_in

uint64_t dpp::ssl_client::bytes_in

Bytes in.

◆ bytes_out

uint64_t dpp::ssl_client::bytes_out

Bytes out.

◆ channel_id

snowflake dpp::discord_voice_client::channel_id

Channel ID.

◆ cipher

std::string dpp::ssl_client::cipher

SSL cipher in use.

◆ creator

class dpp::cluster* dpp::discord_voice_client::creator

Owning cluster.

◆ custom_readable_fd

socket_callback_t dpp::ssl_client::custom_readable_fd

Attaching an additional file descriptor to this function will send notifications when there is data to read.

NOTE: Only hook this if you NEED it as it can increase CPU usage of the thread! Returning -1 means that you don't want to be notified.

◆ custom_readable_ready

socket_notification_t dpp::ssl_client::custom_readable_ready

This event will be called when you can read from the custom fd.

◆ custom_writeable_fd

socket_callback_t dpp::ssl_client::custom_writeable_fd

Attaching an additional file descriptor to this function will send notifications when you are able to write to the socket.

NOTE: Only hook this if you NEED it as it can increase CPU usage of the thread! You should toggle this to -1 when you do not have anything to write otherwise it'll keep triggering repeatedly (it is level triggered).

◆ custom_writeable_ready

socket_notification_t dpp::ssl_client::custom_writeable_ready

This event will be called when you can write to a custom fd.

◆ heartbeat_interval

uint32_t dpp::discord_voice_client::heartbeat_interval

Heartbeat interval for sending heartbeat keepalive.

◆ hostname

std::string dpp::ssl_client::hostname

Hostname connected to.

◆ keepalive

bool dpp::ssl_client::keepalive

True if we are keeping the connection alive after it has finished.

◆ last_heartbeat

time_t dpp::discord_voice_client::last_heartbeat

Last voice channel websocket heartbeat.

◆ last_tick

time_t dpp::ssl_client::last_tick

For timers.

◆ make_new

bool dpp::ssl_client::make_new

True if we are establishing a new connection, false if otherwise.

◆ nonblocking

bool dpp::ssl_client::nonblocking

True if in nonblocking mode. The socket switches to nonblocking mode once ReadLoop is called.

◆ obuffer

std::string dpp::ssl_client::obuffer

Output buffer for sending to socket.

◆ plaintext

bool dpp::ssl_client::plaintext

True for a plain text connection.

◆ send_audio_type

enum dpp::discord_voice_client::send_audio_type_t dpp::discord_voice_client::send_audio_type = satype_recorded_audio

◆ server_id

snowflake dpp::discord_voice_client::server_id

Server ID.

◆ sessionid

std::string dpp::discord_voice_client::sessionid

Discord voice session id.

◆ sfd

dpp::socket dpp::ssl_client::sfd

Raw file descriptor of connection.

◆ sodium_initialised

bool dpp::discord_voice_client::sodium_initialised

This needs to be static, we only initialise libsodium once per program start, so initialising it on first use in a voice connection is best.

◆ ssl

openssl_connection* dpp::ssl_client::ssl

Openssl opaque contexts.

◆ terminating

bool dpp::discord_voice_client::terminating

True when the thread is shutting down.

◆ thread_id

std::thread::native_handle_type dpp::discord_voice_client::thread_id

Thread ID.

◆ token

std::string dpp::discord_voice_client::token

Discord voice session token.

D++ Library version 10.0.33D++ Library version 10.0.32D++ Library version 10.0.31D++ Library version 10.0.30D++ Library version 10.0.29D++ Library version 10.0.28D++ Library version 10.0.27D++ Library version 10.0.26D++ Library version 10.0.25D++ Library version 10.0.24D++ Library version 10.0.23D++ Library version 10.0.22D++ Library version 10.0.21D++ Library version 10.0.20D++ Library version 10.0.19D++ Library version 10.0.18D++ Library version 10.0.17D++ Library version 10.0.16D++ Library version 10.0.15D++ Library version 10.0.14D++ Library version 10.0.13D++ Library version 10.0.12D++ Library version 10.0.11D++ Library version 10.0.10D++ Library version 10.0.9D++ Library version 10.0.8D++ Library version 10.0.7D++ Library version 10.0.6D++ Library version 10.0.5D++ Library version 10.0.4D++ Library version 10.0.3D++ Library version 10.0.2D++ Library version 10.0.1D++ Library version 10.0.0D++ Library version 9.0.19D++ Library version 9.0.18D++ Library version 9.0.17D++ Library version 9.0.16D++ Library version 9.0.15D++ Library version 9.0.14D++ Library version 9.0.13D++ Library version 9.0.12D++ Library version 9.0.11D++ Library version 9.0.10D++ Library version 9.0.9D++ Library version 9.0.8D++ Library version 9.0.7D++ Library version 9.0.6D++ Library version 9.0.5D++ Library version 9.0.4D++ Library version 9.0.3D++ Library version 9.0.2D++ Library version 9.0.1D++ Library version 9.0.0D++ Library version 1.0.2D++ Library version 1.0.1D++ Library version 1.0.0