D++ (DPP)
C++ Discord API Bot Library
dpp::discord_client Class Reference

Implements a discord client. Each discord_client connects to one shard and derives from a websocket client. More...

#include <discordclient.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for dpp::discord_client:
+ Collaboration diagram for dpp::discord_client:

Public Member Functions

virtual void log (dpp::loglevel severity, const std::string &msg) const
 Log a message to whatever log the user is using. The logged message is passed up the chain to the on_log event in user code which can then do whatever it wants to do with it. More...
virtual void handle_event (const std::string &event, json &j, const std::string &raw)
 Handle an event (opcode 0) More...
uint64_t get_guild_count ()
 Get the Guild Count for this shard. More...
uint64_t get_member_count ()
 Get the Member Count for this shard. More...
uint64_t get_channel_count ()
 Get the Channel Count for this shard. More...
virtual void one_second_timer ()
void queue_message (const std::string &j, bool to_front=false)
 Queue a message to be sent via the websocket. More...
discord_clientclear_queue ()
 Clear the outbound message queue. More...
size_t get_queue_size ()
 Get the size of the outbound message queue. More...
bool is_connected ()
 Returns true if the shard is connected. More...
dpp::utility::uptime get_uptime ()
 Returns the connection time of the shard. More...
 discord_client (dpp::cluster *_cluster, uint32_t _shard_id, uint32_t _max_shards, const std::string &_token, uint32_t intents=0, bool compressed=true, websocket_protocol_t ws_protocol=ws_json)
 Construct a new discord_client object. More...
virtual ~discord_client ()
 Destroy the discord client object. More...
uint64_t get_decompressed_bytes_in ()
 Get the decompressed bytes in objectGet decompressed total bytes received. More...
virtual bool handle_frame (const std::string &buffer)
 Handle JSON from the websocket. More...
virtual void error (uint32_t errorcode)
 Handle a websocket error. More...
void run ()
 Start and monitor I/O loop. More...
discord_clientconnect_voice (snowflake guild_id, snowflake channel_id, bool self_mute=false, bool self_deaf=false)
 Connect to a voice channel. More...
discord_clientdisconnect_voice (snowflake guild_id)
 Disconnect from the connected voice channel on a guild. More...
voiceconnget_voice (snowflake guild_id)
 Get the dpp::voiceconn object for a specific guild on this shard. More...
virtual void write (const std::string &data)
 Write to websocket. Encapsulates data in frames if the status is CONNECTED. More...
virtual bool handle_buffer (std::string &buffer)
 Processes incoming frames from the SSL socket input buffer. More...
virtual void close ()
 Close websocket. More...
void send_close_packet ()
 Send OP_CLOSE error code 1000 to the other side of the connection. This indicates graceful close. More...
uint64_t get_bytes_out ()
 Get the bytes out objectGet total bytes sent. More...
uint64_t get_bytes_in ()
 Get total bytes received. More...
std::string get_cipher ()
 Get SSL cipher name. More...
void read_loop ()
 Nonblocking I/O loop. More...

Public Attributes

class dpp::clustercreator
 Owning cluster. More...
uint32_t heartbeat_interval
 Heartbeat interval for sending heartbeat keepalive. More...
time_t last_heartbeat
 Last heartbeat. More...
uint32_t shard_id
 Shard ID of this client. More...
uint32_t max_shards
 Total number of shards. More...
std::thread::native_handle_type thread_id
 Thread ID. More...
uint64_t last_seq
 Last sequence number received, for resumes and pings. More...
std::string token
 Discord bot token. More...
uint32_t intents
 Privileged gateway intents. More...
std::string sessionid
 Discord session id. More...
std::shared_mutex voice_mutex
 Mutex for voice connections map. More...
uint32_t resumes
 Resume count. More...
uint32_t reconnects
 Reconnection count. More...
double websocket_ping
 Websocket latency in fractional seconds. More...
bool ready
 True if READY or RESUMED has been received. More...
time_t last_heartbeat_ack
 Last heartbeat ACK (opcode 11) More...
websocket_protocol_t protocol
 Current websocket protocol, currently either ETF or JSON. More...
std::unordered_map< snowflake, voiceconn * > connecting_voice_channels
 List of voice channels we are connecting to keyed by guild id. More...
std::string resume_gateway_url
 The gateway address we reconnect to when we resume a session. More...
socket_callback_t custom_readable_fd
 Attaching an additional file descriptor to this function will send notifications when there is data to read. More...
socket_callback_t custom_writeable_fd
 Attaching an additional file descriptor to this function will send notifications when you are able to write to the socket. More...
socket_notification_t custom_readable_ready
 This event will be called when you can read from the custom fd. More...
socket_notification_t custom_writeable_ready
 This event will be called when you can write to a custom fd. More...
bool keepalive
 True if we are keeping the connection alive after it has finished. More...

Protected Member Functions

void disconnect_voice_internal (snowflake guild_id, bool send_json=true)
 Disconnect from the connected voice channel on a guild. More...
virtual void connect ()
 (Re)connect More...
ws_state get_state ()
 Get websocket state. More...

Protected Attributes

bool terminating
 True if the shard is terminating. More...
std::string buffer
 Input buffer received from socket. More...
std::string obuffer
 Output buffer for sending to socket. More...
bool nonblocking
 True if in nonblocking mode. The socket switches to nonblocking mode once ReadLoop is called. More...
dpp::socket sfd
 Raw file descriptor of connection. More...
openssl_connection * ssl
 Openssl opaque contexts. More...
std::string cipher
 SSL cipher in use. More...
time_t last_tick
 For timers. More...
std::string hostname
 Hostname connected to. More...
std::string port
 Port connected to. More...
uint64_t bytes_out
 Bytes out. More...
uint64_t bytes_in
 Bytes in. More...
bool plaintext
 True for a plain text connection. More...
bool make_new
 True if we are establishing a new connection, false if otherwise. More...


class dpp::events::voice_state_update
 Needed so that voice_state_update can call dpp::discord_client::disconnect_voice_internal. More...
class dpp::events::guild_create
 Needed so that guild_create can request member chunks if you have the correct intents. More...
class dpp::cluster
 Needed to allow cluster::set_presence to use the ETF functions. More...

Detailed Description

Implements a discord client. Each discord_client connects to one shard and derives from a websocket client.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ discord_client()

dpp::discord_client::discord_client ( dpp::cluster _cluster,
uint32_t  _shard_id,
uint32_t  _max_shards,
const std::string &  _token,
uint32_t  intents = 0,
bool  compressed = true,
websocket_protocol_t  ws_protocol = ws_json 

Construct a new discord_client object.

_clusterThe owning cluster for this shard
_shard_idThe ID of the shard to start
_max_shardsThe total number of shards across all clusters
_tokenThe bot token to use for identifying to the websocket
intentsPrivileged intents to use, a bitmask of values from dpp::intents
compressedTrue if the received data will be gzip compressed
ws_protocolWebsocket protocol to use for the connection, JSON or ETF

◆ ~discord_client()

virtual dpp::discord_client::~discord_client ( )

Destroy the discord client object.

Member Function Documentation

◆ clear_queue()

discord_client & dpp::discord_client::clear_queue ( )

Clear the outbound message queue.

reference to self

◆ close()

virtual void dpp::websocket_client::close ( )

Close websocket.

Reimplemented from dpp::ssl_client.

◆ connect()

virtual void dpp::websocket_client::connect ( )


Reimplemented from dpp::ssl_client.

◆ connect_voice()

discord_client & dpp::discord_client::connect_voice ( snowflake  guild_id,
snowflake  channel_id,
bool  self_mute = false,
bool  self_deaf = false 

Connect to a voice channel.

guild_idGuild where the voice channel is
channel_idChannel ID of the voice channel
self_muteTrue if the bot should mute itself
self_deafTrue if the bot should deafen itself
reference to self
This is NOT a synchronous blocking call! The bot isn't instantly ready to send or listen for audio, as we have to wait for the connection to the voice server to be established! e.g. wait for dpp::cluster::on_voice_ready event, and then send the audio within that event.

◆ disconnect_voice()

discord_client & dpp::discord_client::disconnect_voice ( snowflake  guild_id)

Disconnect from the connected voice channel on a guild.

guild_idThe guild who's voice channel you wish to disconnect from
reference to self
This is NOT a synchronous blocking call! The bot isn't instantly disconnected.

◆ disconnect_voice_internal()

void dpp::discord_client::disconnect_voice_internal ( snowflake  guild_id,
bool  send_json = true 

Disconnect from the connected voice channel on a guild.

guild_idThe guild who's voice channel you wish to disconnect from
send_jsonTrue if we should send a json message confirming we are leaving the VC Should be set to false if we already receive this message in an event.

◆ error()

virtual void dpp::discord_client::error ( uint32_t  errorcode)

Handle a websocket error.

errorcodeThe error returned from the websocket

Reimplemented from dpp::websocket_client.

◆ get_bytes_in()

uint64_t dpp::ssl_client::get_bytes_in ( )

Get total bytes received.

uint64_t bytes received

◆ get_bytes_out()

uint64_t dpp::ssl_client::get_bytes_out ( )

Get the bytes out objectGet total bytes sent.

uint64_t bytes sent

◆ get_channel_count()

uint64_t dpp::discord_client::get_channel_count ( )

Get the Channel Count for this shard.

uint64_t channel count

◆ get_cipher()

std::string dpp::ssl_client::get_cipher ( )

Get SSL cipher name.

std::string ssl cipher name

◆ get_decompressed_bytes_in()

uint64_t dpp::discord_client::get_decompressed_bytes_in ( )

Get the decompressed bytes in objectGet decompressed total bytes received.

uint64_t bytes received

◆ get_guild_count()

uint64_t dpp::discord_client::get_guild_count ( )

Get the Guild Count for this shard.

uint64_t guild count

◆ get_member_count()

uint64_t dpp::discord_client::get_member_count ( )

Get the Member Count for this shard.

uint64_t member count

◆ get_queue_size()

size_t dpp::discord_client::get_queue_size ( )

Get the size of the outbound message queue.

The size of the queue

◆ get_state()

ws_state dpp::websocket_client::get_state ( )

Get websocket state.

websocket state

◆ get_uptime()

dpp::utility::uptime dpp::discord_client::get_uptime ( )

Returns the connection time of the shard.

dpp::utility::uptime Detail of how long the shard has been connected for

◆ get_voice()

voiceconn * dpp::discord_client::get_voice ( snowflake  guild_id)

Get the dpp::voiceconn object for a specific guild on this shard.

guild_idThe guild ID to retrieve the voice connection for
voiceconn* The voice connection for the guild, or nullptr if there is no voice connection to this guild.

◆ handle_buffer()

virtual bool dpp::websocket_client::handle_buffer ( std::string &  buffer)

Processes incoming frames from the SSL socket input buffer.

bufferThe buffer contents. Can modify this value removing the head elements when processed.

Reimplemented from dpp::ssl_client.

◆ handle_event()

virtual void dpp::discord_client::handle_event ( const std::string &  event,
json &  j,
const std::string &  raw 

Handle an event (opcode 0)

eventEvent name, e.g. MESSAGE_CREATE
jJSON object for the event content
rawRaw JSON event string

◆ handle_frame()

virtual bool dpp::discord_client::handle_frame ( const std::string &  buffer)

Handle JSON from the websocket.

bufferThe entire buffer content from the websocket client
True if a frame has been handled

Reimplemented from dpp::websocket_client.

◆ is_connected()

bool dpp::discord_client::is_connected ( )

Returns true if the shard is connected.

True if connected

◆ log()

virtual void dpp::discord_client::log ( dpp::loglevel  severity,
const std::string &  msg 
) const

Log a message to whatever log the user is using. The logged message is passed up the chain to the on_log event in user code which can then do whatever it wants to do with it.

severityThe log level from dpp::loglevel
msgThe log message to output

Reimplemented from dpp::ssl_client.

◆ one_second_timer()

virtual void dpp::discord_client::one_second_timer ( )

Fires every second from the underlying socket I/O loop, used for sending heartbeats

Reimplemented from dpp::websocket_client.

◆ queue_message()

void dpp::discord_client::queue_message ( const std::string &  j,
bool  to_front = false 

Queue a message to be sent via the websocket.

jThe JSON data of the message to be sent
to_frontIf set to true, will place the message at the front of the queue not the back (this is for urgent messages such as heartbeat, presence, so they can take precedence over chunk requests etc)

◆ read_loop()

void dpp::ssl_client::read_loop ( )

Nonblocking I/O loop.

std::exceptionAny std::exception (or derivative) thrown from read_loop() causes reconnection of the shard

◆ run()

void dpp::discord_client::run ( )

Start and monitor I/O loop.

this is a blocking call and is usually executed within a thread by whatever creates the object.

◆ send_close_packet()

void dpp::websocket_client::send_close_packet ( )

Send OP_CLOSE error code 1000 to the other side of the connection. This indicates graceful close.

◆ write()

virtual void dpp::websocket_client::write ( const std::string &  data)

Write to websocket. Encapsulates data in frames if the status is CONNECTED.

dataThe data to send.

Reimplemented from dpp::ssl_client.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ dpp::cluster

friend class dpp::cluster

Needed to allow cluster::set_presence to use the ETF functions.

◆ dpp::events::guild_create

friend class dpp::events::guild_create

Needed so that guild_create can request member chunks if you have the correct intents.

◆ dpp::events::voice_state_update

friend class dpp::events::voice_state_update

Needed so that voice_state_update can call dpp::discord_client::disconnect_voice_internal.

Member Data Documentation

◆ buffer

std::string dpp::ssl_client::buffer

Input buffer received from socket.

◆ bytes_in

uint64_t dpp::ssl_client::bytes_in

Bytes in.

◆ bytes_out

uint64_t dpp::ssl_client::bytes_out

Bytes out.

◆ cipher

std::string dpp::ssl_client::cipher

SSL cipher in use.

◆ connecting_voice_channels

std::unordered_map<snowflake, voiceconn*> dpp::discord_client::connecting_voice_channels

List of voice channels we are connecting to keyed by guild id.

◆ creator

class dpp::cluster* dpp::discord_client::creator

Owning cluster.

◆ custom_readable_fd

socket_callback_t dpp::ssl_client::custom_readable_fd

Attaching an additional file descriptor to this function will send notifications when there is data to read.

NOTE: Only hook this if you NEED it as it can increase CPU usage of the thread! Returning -1 means that you don't want to be notified.

◆ custom_readable_ready

socket_notification_t dpp::ssl_client::custom_readable_ready

This event will be called when you can read from the custom fd.

◆ custom_writeable_fd

socket_callback_t dpp::ssl_client::custom_writeable_fd

Attaching an additional file descriptor to this function will send notifications when you are able to write to the socket.

NOTE: Only hook this if you NEED it as it can increase CPU usage of the thread! You should toggle this to -1 when you do not have anything to write otherwise it'll keep triggering repeatedly (it is level triggered).

◆ custom_writeable_ready

socket_notification_t dpp::ssl_client::custom_writeable_ready

This event will be called when you can write to a custom fd.

◆ heartbeat_interval

uint32_t dpp::discord_client::heartbeat_interval

Heartbeat interval for sending heartbeat keepalive.

value in milliseconds

◆ hostname

std::string dpp::ssl_client::hostname

Hostname connected to.

◆ intents

uint32_t dpp::discord_client::intents

Privileged gateway intents.

See also

◆ keepalive

bool dpp::ssl_client::keepalive

True if we are keeping the connection alive after it has finished.

◆ last_heartbeat

time_t dpp::discord_client::last_heartbeat

Last heartbeat.

◆ last_heartbeat_ack

time_t dpp::discord_client::last_heartbeat_ack

Last heartbeat ACK (opcode 11)

◆ last_seq

uint64_t dpp::discord_client::last_seq

Last sequence number received, for resumes and pings.

◆ last_tick

time_t dpp::ssl_client::last_tick

For timers.

◆ make_new

bool dpp::ssl_client::make_new

True if we are establishing a new connection, false if otherwise.

◆ max_shards

uint32_t dpp::discord_client::max_shards

Total number of shards.

◆ nonblocking

bool dpp::ssl_client::nonblocking

True if in nonblocking mode. The socket switches to nonblocking mode once ReadLoop is called.

◆ obuffer

std::string dpp::ssl_client::obuffer

Output buffer for sending to socket.

◆ plaintext

bool dpp::ssl_client::plaintext

True for a plain text connection.

◆ port

std::string dpp::ssl_client::port

Port connected to.

◆ protocol

websocket_protocol_t dpp::discord_client::protocol

Current websocket protocol, currently either ETF or JSON.

◆ ready

bool dpp::discord_client::ready

True if READY or RESUMED has been received.

◆ reconnects

uint32_t dpp::discord_client::reconnects

Reconnection count.

◆ resume_gateway_url

std::string dpp::discord_client::resume_gateway_url

The gateway address we reconnect to when we resume a session.

◆ resumes

uint32_t dpp::discord_client::resumes

Resume count.

◆ sessionid

std::string dpp::discord_client::sessionid

Discord session id.

◆ sfd

dpp::socket dpp::ssl_client::sfd

Raw file descriptor of connection.

◆ shard_id

uint32_t dpp::discord_client::shard_id

Shard ID of this client.

◆ ssl

openssl_connection* dpp::ssl_client::ssl

Openssl opaque contexts.

◆ terminating

bool dpp::discord_client::terminating

True if the shard is terminating.

◆ thread_id

std::thread::native_handle_type dpp::discord_client::thread_id

Thread ID.

◆ token

std::string dpp::discord_client::token

Discord bot token.

◆ voice_mutex

std::shared_mutex dpp::discord_client::voice_mutex

Mutex for voice connections map.

◆ websocket_ping

double dpp::discord_client::websocket_ping

Websocket latency in fractional seconds.

D++ Library version 10.0.33D++ Library version 10.0.32D++ Library version 10.0.31D++ Library version 10.0.30D++ Library version 10.0.29D++ Library version 10.0.28D++ Library version 10.0.27D++ Library version 10.0.26D++ Library version 10.0.25D++ Library version 10.0.24D++ Library version 10.0.23D++ Library version 10.0.22D++ Library version 10.0.21D++ Library version 10.0.20D++ Library version 10.0.19D++ Library version 10.0.18D++ Library version 10.0.17D++ Library version 10.0.16D++ Library version 10.0.15D++ Library version 10.0.14D++ Library version 10.0.13D++ Library version 10.0.12D++ Library version 10.0.11D++ Library version 10.0.10D++ Library version 10.0.9D++ Library version 10.0.8D++ Library version 10.0.7D++ Library version 10.0.6D++ Library version 10.0.5D++ Library version 10.0.4D++ Library version 10.0.3D++ Library version 10.0.2D++ Library version 10.0.1D++ Library version 10.0.0D++ Library version 9.0.19D++ Library version 9.0.18D++ Library version 9.0.17D++ Library version 9.0.16D++ Library version 9.0.15D++ Library version 9.0.14D++ Library version 9.0.13D++ Library version 9.0.12D++ Library version 9.0.11D++ Library version 9.0.10D++ Library version 9.0.9D++ Library version 9.0.8D++ Library version 9.0.7D++ Library version 9.0.6D++ Library version 9.0.5D++ Library version 9.0.4D++ Library version 9.0.3D++ Library version 9.0.2D++ Library version 9.0.1D++ Library version 9.0.0D++ Library version 1.0.2D++ Library version 1.0.1D++ Library version 1.0.0