Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- a -
- account_id : dpp::integration
- account_name : dpp::integration
- activities : dpp::presence
- activity() : dpp::activity
- add_autocomplete_choice() : dpp::interaction_response
- add_channel_type() : dpp::command_option
- add_choice() : dpp::command_option
- add_command() : dpp::commandhandler
- add_component() : dpp::component, dpp::message
- add_embed() : dpp::message
- add_field() : dpp::embed
- add_option() : dpp::command_option, dpp::slashcommand
- add_permission() : dpp::slashcommand
- add_prefix() : dpp::commandhandler
- add_select_option() : dpp::component
- added : dpp::guild_member_add_t, dpp::thread_members_update_t
- adding : dpp::guild_members_chunk_t
- adding_guild : dpp::guild_member_add_t
- address_family_ : httplib::ClientImpl
- afk_channel_id : dpp::guild
- afk_timeout : dpp::guild
- allow : dpp::permission_overwrite
- allowed_mentions : dpp::message
- animated : dpp::component::inner_emoji, dpp::select_option::inner_select_emoji
- app : dpp::integration
- app_id : dpp::commandhandler
- application() : dpp::application
- application_command_create : dpp::dispatcher
- application_command_create_t() : dpp::application_command_create_t
- application_command_delete : dpp::dispatcher
- application_command_delete_t() : dpp::application_command_delete_t
- application_command_update : dpp::dispatcher
- application_command_update_t() : dpp::application_command_update_t
- application_id : dpp::activity, dpp::guild, dpp::guild_command_permissions, dpp::interaction, dpp::slashcommand, dpp::webhook
- approximate_member_count : dpp::invite
- approximate_presence_count : dpp::invite
- archive_timestamp : dpp::thread_metadata
- archived : dpp::thread_metadata
- asset : dpp::sticker
- attachment() : dpp::attachment
- attachments : dpp::message
- audio : dpp::voice_receive_t
- audio_size : dpp::voice_receive_t
- auditlog() : dpp::auditlog
- author : dpp::embed, dpp::message
- authorization_count_ : httplib::Request
- auto_archive_duration : dpp::thread_metadata
- autocomplete : dpp::command_option, dpp::dispatcher
- autocomplete_choices : dpp::interaction_response
- autocomplete_t() : dpp::autocomplete_t
- available : dpp::sticker
- avatar : dpp::guild_member, dpp::user, dpp::webhook