D++ (DPP)
C++ Discord API Bot Library
dpp::cluster Class Reference

The cluster class represents a group of shards and a command queue for sending and receiving commands from discord via HTTP. You should usually instantiate a cluster object at the very least to make use of the library. More...

#include <cluster.h>

+ Collaboration diagram for dpp::cluster:

Public Member Functions

 cluster (const std::string &token, uint32_t intents=i_default_intents, uint32_t shards=0, uint32_t cluster_id=0, uint32_t maxclusters=1, bool compressed=true)
 Constructor for creating a cluster. All but the token are optional. More...
 ~cluster ()
void log (dpp::loglevel severity, const std::string &msg) const
 Log a message to whatever log the user is using. The logged message is passed up the chain to the on_log event in user code which can then do whatever it wants to do with it. More...
snowflake get_dm_channel (snowflake user_id)
 Get the dm channel for a user id. More...
void set_dm_channel (snowflake user_id, snowflake channel_id)
 Set the dm channel id for a user id. More...
dpp::utility::uptime uptime ()
 Returns the uptime of the cluster. More...
void start (bool return_after=true)
 Start the cluster, connecting all its shards. Returns once all shards are connected. More...
void set_presence (const class dpp::presence &p)
 Set the presence for all shards on the cluster. More...
discord_clientget_shard (uint32_t id)
 Get a shard by id, returning the discord_client. More...
const shard_listget_shards ()
 Get the list of shards. More...
void on_voice_state_update (std::function< void(const voice_state_update_t &_event)> _voice_state_update)
 on voice state update event More...
void on_log (std::function< void(const log_t &_event)> _log)
 Called when a log message is to be written to the log. You can attach any logging system here you wish, e.g. spdlog, or even just a simple use of std::cout or printf. If nothing attaches this log event, then the library will be silent. More...
void on_guild_join_request_delete (std::function< void(const guild_join_request_delete_t &_event)> _guild_join_request_delete)
 on guild join request delete. Triggered when a user declines the membership screening questionnaire for a guild. More...
void on_interaction_create (std::function< void(const interaction_create_t &_event)> _interaction_create)
 Called when a new interaction is created. Interactions are created by discord when commands you have registered are issued by a user. For an example of this in action please see Using Slash Commands and Interactions. More...
void on_button_click (std::function< void(const button_click_t &_event)> _button_click)
 Called when a button is clicked attached to a message. Button clicks are triggered by discord when buttons are clicked which you have associated with a message using dpp::component. More...
void on_guild_delete (std::function< void(const guild_delete_t &_event)> _guild_delete)
 Called when a guild is deleted. A guild can be deleted via the bot being kicked, the bot leaving the guild explicitly with dpp::guild_delete, or via the guild being unavaialble due to an outage. More...
void on_channel_delete (std::function< void(const channel_delete_t &_event)> _channel_delete)
 Called when a channel is deleted from a guild. The channel will still be temporarily avaialble in the cache. Pointers to the channel should not be retained long-term as they will be deleted by the garbage collector. More...
void on_channel_update (std::function< void(const channel_update_t &_event)> _channel_update)
 Called when a channel is edited on a guild. The new channel details have already been applied to the guild when you receive this event. More...
void on_ready (std::function< void(const ready_t &_event)> _ready)
 Called when a shard is connected and ready. A set of on_guild_create events will follow this event. More...
void on_message_delete (std::function< void(const message_delete_t &_event)> _message_delete)
 Called when a message is deleted. The message has already been deleted from Discord when you receive this event. More...
void on_application_command_delete (std::function< void(const application_command_delete_t &_event)> _application_command_delete)
 Called when an application command (slash command) is deleted. More...
void on_guild_member_remove (std::function< void(const guild_member_remove_t &_event)> _guild_member_remove)
 Called when a user leaves a guild (either through being kicked, or choosing to leave) More...
void on_application_command_create (std::function< void(const application_command_create_t &_event)> _application_command_create)
 Called when a new application command (slash command) is registered. More...
void on_resumed (std::function< void(const resumed_t &_event)> _resumed)
 Called when a connection to a shard successfully resumes. A resumed session does not need to re-synchronise guilds, members, etc. This is generally non-fatal and informational only. More...
void on_guild_role_create (std::function< void(const guild_role_create_t &_event)> _guild_role_create)
 Called when a new role is created on a guild. More...
void on_typing_start (std::function< void(const typing_start_t &_event)> _typing_start)
 Called when a user is typing on a channel. More...
void on_message_reaction_add (std::function< void(const message_reaction_add_t &_event)> _message_reaction_add)
 Called when a new reaction is added to a message. More...
void on_guild_members_chunk (std::function< void(const guild_members_chunk_t &_event)> _guild_members_chunk)
 Called when a set of members is received for a guild. D++ will request these for all new guilds if needed, after the on_guild_create events. More...
void on_message_reaction_remove (std::function< void(const message_reaction_remove_t &_event)> _message_reaction_remove)
 Called when a single reaction is removed from a message. More...
void on_guild_create (std::function< void(const guild_create_t &_event)> _guild_create)
 Called when a new guild is created. D++ will request members for the guild for its cache using guild_members_chunk. More...
void on_channel_create (std::function< void(const channel_create_t &_event)> _channel_create)
 Called when a new channel is created on a guild. More...
void on_message_reaction_remove_emoji (std::function< void(const message_reaction_remove_emoji_t &_event)> _message_reaction_remove_emoji)
 Called when all reactions for a particular emoji are removed from a message. More...
void on_message_delete_bulk (std::function< void(const message_delete_bulk_t &_event)> _message_delete_bulk)
 Called when multiple messages are deleted from a channel or DM. More...
void on_guild_role_update (std::function< void(const guild_role_update_t &_event)> _guild_role_update)
 Called when an existing role is updated on a guild. More...
void on_guild_role_delete (std::function< void(const guild_role_delete_t &_event)> _guild_role_delete)
 Called when a role is deleted in a guild. More...
void on_channel_pins_update (std::function< void(const channel_pins_update_t &_event)> _channel_pins_update)
 Called when a message is pinned. Note that the pinned message is not returned to this event, just the timestamp of the last pinned message. More...
void on_message_reaction_remove_all (std::function< void(const message_reaction_remove_all_t &_event)> _message_reaction_remove_all)
 Called when all reactions are removed from a message. More...
void on_voice_server_update (std::function< void(const voice_server_update_t &_event)> _voice_server_update)
 Called when we are told which voice server we can use. This will be sent either when we establish a new voice channel connection, or as discord rearrange their infrastructure. More...
void on_guild_emojis_update (std::function< void(const guild_emojis_update_t &_event)> _guild_emojis_update)
 Called when new emojis are added to a guild. The complete set of emojis is sent every time. More...
void on_presence_update (std::function< void(const presence_update_t &_event)> _presence_update)
 Called when a user's presence is updated. To receive these you will need the GUILD_PRESENCES privileged intent. You will receive many of these, very often, and receiving them will significaintly increase your bot's CPU usage. If you don't need them it is recommended to not ask for them. More...
void on_webhooks_update (std::function< void(const webhooks_update_t &_event)> _webhooks_update)
 Called when the webhooks for a guild are updated. More...
void on_guild_member_add (std::function< void(const guild_member_add_t &_event)> _guild_member_add)
 Called when a new member joins a guild. More...
void on_invite_delete (std::function< void(const invite_delete_t &_event)> _invite_delete)
 Called when an invite is deleted from a guild. More...
void on_guild_update (std::function< void(const guild_update_t &_event)> _guild_update)
 Called when details of a guild are updated. More...
void on_guild_integrations_update (std::function< void(const guild_integrations_update_t &_event)> _guild_integrations_update)
 Called when an integration is updated for a guild. This returns the complete list. An integration is a connection to a guild of a user's associated accounts, e.g. youtube or twitch, for automatic assignment of roles etc. More...
void on_guild_member_update (std::function< void(const guild_member_update_t &_event)> _guild_member_update)
 Called when details of a guild member (e.g. their roles or nickname) are updated. More...
void on_application_command_update (std::function< void(const application_command_update_t &_event)> _application_command_update)
 Called when an application command (slash command) is updated. You will only receive this event for application commands that belong to your bot/application. More...
void on_invite_create (std::function< void(const invite_create_t &_event)> _invite_create)
 Called when a new invite is created for a guild. More...
void on_message_update (std::function< void(const message_update_t &_event)> _message_update)
 Called when a message is updated (edited). More...
void on_user_update (std::function< void(const user_update_t &_event)> _user_update)
 Called when a user is updated. This is separate to guild_member_update and includes things such as an avatar change, username change, discriminator change or change in subscription status for nitro. More...
void on_message_create (std::function< void(const message_create_t &_event)> _message_create)
 Called when a new message arrives from discord. Note that D++ does not cache messages. If you want to cache these objects you should create something yourself within your bot. Caching of messages is not on the roadmap to be supported as it consumes excessive amounts of RAM. More...
void on_guild_ban_add (std::function< void(const guild_ban_add_t &_event)> _guild_ban_add)
 Called when a ban is added to a guild. More...
void on_guild_ban_remove (std::function< void(const guild_ban_remove_t &_event)> _guild_ban_remove)
 Called when a ban is removed from a guild. More...
void on_integration_create (std::function< void(const integration_create_t &_event)> _integration_create)
 Called when a new intgration is attached to a guild by a user. An integration is a connection to a guild of a user's associated accounts, e.g. youtube or twitch, for automatic assignment of roles etc. More...
void on_integration_update (std::function< void(const integration_update_t &_event)> _integration_update)
 Called when an integration is updated by a user. This returns details of just the single integration that has changed. An integration is a connection to a guild of a user's associated accounts, e.g. youtube or twitch, for automatic assignment of roles etc. More...
void on_integration_delete (std::function< void(const integration_delete_t &_event)> _integration_delete)
 Called when an integration is removed by a user. An integration is a connection to a guild of a user's associated accounts, e.g. youtube or twitch, for automatic assignment of roles etc. More...
void on_voice_buffer_send (std::function< void(const voice_buffer_send_t &_event)> _voice_buffer_send)
 Called when packets are sent from the voice buffer. The voice buffer contains packets that are already encoded with Opus and encrypted with Sodium, and merged into packets by the repacketizer, which is done in the dpp::discord_voice_client::send_audio method. You should use the buffer size properties of dpp::voice_buffer_send_t to determine if you should fill the buffer with more content. More...
void on_voice_user_talking (std::function< void(const voice_user_talking_t &_event)> _voice_user_talking)
 Called when a user is talking on a voice channel. More...
void on_voice_ready (std::function< void(const voice_ready_t &_event)> _voice_ready)
 Called when a voice channel is connected and ready to send audio. Note that this is not directly attached to the READY event of the websocket, as there is further connection that needs to be done before audio is ready to send. More...
void on_voice_receive (std::function< void(const voice_receive_t &_event)> _voice_receive)
 Called when new audio data is received. More...
void on_voice_track_marker (std::function< void(const voice_track_marker_t &_event)> _voice_track_marker)
 Called when sending of audio passes over a track marker. Track markers are arbitrarily placed "bookmarks" in the audio buffer, placed by the bot developer. Each track marker can have a string value associated with it which is specified in dpp::discord_voice_client::insert_marker and returned to this event. More...
void on_stage_instance_create (std::function< void(const stage_instance_create_t &_event)> _stage_instance_create)
 Called when a new stage instance is created on a stage channel. More...
void on_stage_instance_delete (std::function< void(const stage_instance_delete_t &_event)> _stage_instance_delete)
 Called when an existing stage instance is deleted from a stage channel. More...
void post_rest (const std::string &endpoint, const std::string &major_parameters, const std::string &parameters, http_method method, const std::string &postdata, json_encode_t callback, const std::string &filename="", const std::string &filecontent="")
 Post a REST request. Where possible use a helper method instead like message_create. More...
void interaction_response_create (snowflake interaction_id, const std::string &token, const interaction_response &r, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Respond to a slash command. More...
void interaction_response_edit (snowflake interaction_id, const std::string &token, const interaction_response &r, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Respond to a slash command. More...
void global_command_create (const slashcommand &s, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Create a global slash command (a bot can have a maximum of 100 of these) More...
void guild_auditlog_get (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get the audit log for a guild. More...
void guild_command_create (const slashcommand &s, snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Create a slash command local to a guild. More...
void global_command_edit (const slashcommand &s, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Edit a global slash command (a bot can have a maximum of 100 of these) More...
void guild_command_edit (const slashcommand &s, snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Edit a slash command local to a guild. More...
void global_command_delete (snowflake id, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Delete a global slash command (a bot can have a maximum of 100 of these) More...
void guild_command_delete (snowflake id, snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Delete a slash command local to a guild. More...
void direct_message_create (snowflake user_id, const message &m, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Create a direct message, also create the channel for the direct message if needed. More...
void message_get (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get a message. More...
void messages_get (snowflake channel_id, snowflake around, snowflake before, snowflake after, snowflake limit, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get multiple messages. More...
void message_create (const struct message &m, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Send a message to a channel. The callback function is called when the message has been sent. More...
void message_crosspost (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Crosspost a message. The callback function is called when the message has been sent. More...
void message_edit (const struct message &m, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Edit a message on a channel. The callback function is called when the message has been edited. More...
void message_add_reaction (const struct message &m, const std::string &reaction, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Add a reaction to a message. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
void message_delete_own_reaction (const struct message &m, const std::string &reaction, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Delete own reaction from a message. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
void message_delete_reaction (const struct message &m, snowflake user_id, const std::string &reaction, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Delete a user's reaction from a message. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
void message_get_reactions (const struct message &m, const std::string &reaction, snowflake before, snowflake after, snowflake limit, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get reactions on a message for a particular emoji. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
void message_delete_all_reactions (const struct message &m, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Delete all reactions on a message. More...
void message_delete_reaction_emoji (const struct message &m, const std::string &reaction, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Delete all reactions on a message using a particular emoji. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character. More...
void message_delete (snowflake message_id, snowflake channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Delete a message from a channel. The callback function is called when the message has been edited. More...
void message_delete_bulk (const std::vector< snowflake > &message_ids, snowflake channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Bulk delete messages from a channel. The callback function is called when the message has been edited. More...
void channel_get (snowflake c, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get a channel. More...
void channels_get (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get all channels for a guild. More...
void channel_create (const class channel &c, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Create a channel. More...
void channel_edit (const class channel &c, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Edit a channel. More...
void channel_edit_position (const class channel &c, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Edit a channel's position. More...
void channel_edit_permissions (const class channel &c, snowflake overwrite_id, uint32_t allow, uint32_t deny, bool member, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Edit a channel's permissions. More...
void channel_delete (snowflake channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Delete a channel. More...
void invite_get (const std::string &invite, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get details about an invite. More...
void invite_delete (const std::string &invite, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Delete an invite. More...
void channel_invites_get (const class channel &c, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get invites for a channel. More...
void channel_invite_create (const class channel &c, const class invite &i, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Create invite for a channel. More...
void pins_get (snowflake channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get a channel's pins. More...
void gdm_add (snowflake channel_id, snowflake user_id, const std::string &access_token, const std::string &nick, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Adds a recipient to a Group DM using their access token. More...
void gdm_remove (snowflake channel_id, snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Removes a recipient from a Group DM. More...
void channel_delete_permission (const class channel &c, snowflake overwrite_id, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Remove a permission from a channel. More...
void channel_follow_news (const class channel &c, snowflake target_channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Follow a news channel. More...
void channel_typing (const class channel &c, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Trigger channel typing indicator. More...
void message_pin (snowflake channel_id, snowflake message_id, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Pin a message. More...
void message_unpin (snowflake channel_id, snowflake message_id, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Unpin a message. More...
void guild_get (snowflake g, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get a guild. More...
void guild_get_preview (snowflake g, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get a guild preview. Returns a guild object but only a subset of the fields will be populated. More...
void guild_get_member (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get a guild member. More...
void guild_get_members (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get all guild members. More...
void guild_add_member (const guild_member &gm, const std::string &access_token, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Add guild member. Needs a specific oauth2 scope, from which you get the access_token. More...
void guild_edit_member (const guild_member &gm, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Edit the properties of an existing guild member. More...
void guild_set_nickname (snowflake guild_id, const std::string &nickname, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Change current user nickname. More...
void guild_member_add_role (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, snowflake role_id, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Add role to guild member. More...
void guild_member_delete_role (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, snowflake role_id, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Remove role from guild member. More...
void guild_member_delete (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Remove (kick) a guild member. More...
void guild_ban_add (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, uint32_t delete_message_days, const std::string &reason, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Add guild ban. More...
void guild_ban_delete (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Delete guild ban. More...
void guild_get_bans (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get guild ban list. More...
void guild_get_ban (snowflake guild_id, snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get single guild ban. More...
void template_get (const std::string &code, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get a template. More...
void guild_create_from_template (const std::string &code, const std::string &name, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Create a new guild based on a template. More...
void guild_templates_get (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get guild templates. More...
void guild_template_create (snowflake guild_id, const std::string &name, const std::string &description, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Creates a template for the guild. More...
void guild_template_sync (snowflake guild_id, const std::string &code, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Syncs the template to the guild's current state. More...
void guild_template_modify (snowflake guild_id, const std::string &code, const std::string &name, const std::string &description, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Modifies the template's metadata. More...
void guild_template_delete (snowflake guild_id, const std::string &code, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Deletes the template. More...
void guild_create (const class guild &g, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Create a guild. More...
void guild_edit (const class guild &g, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Edit a guild. More...
void guild_delete (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Delete a guild. More...
void guild_emojis_get (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get all emojis for a guild. More...
void guild_emoji_get (snowflake guild_id, snowflake emoji_id, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get a single emoji. More...
void guild_emoji_create (snowflake guild_id, const class emoji &newemoji, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Create single emoji. You must ensure that the emoji passed contained image data using the emoji::load_image() method. More...
void guild_emoji_edit (snowflake guild_id, const class emoji &newemoji, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Edit a single emoji. You must ensure that the emoji passed contained image data using the emoji::load_image() method. More...
void guild_emoji_delete (snowflake guild_id, snowflake emoji_id, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Delete a guild emoji. More...
void guild_get_prune_counts (snowflake guild_id, const struct prune &pruneinfo, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get prune counts. More...
void guild_begin_prune (snowflake guild_id, const struct prune &pruneinfo, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Begin guild prune. More...
void guild_get_voice_regions (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get guild voice regions. Voice regions per guild are somewhat deprecated in preference of per-channel voice regions. More...
void get_guild_invites (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get guild invites. More...
void guild_get_integrations (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get guild itegrations. More...
void guild_modify_integration (snowflake guild_id, const class integration &i, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Modify guild integration. More...
void guild_delete_integration (snowflake guild_id, snowflake integration_id, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Delete guild integration. More...
void guild_sync_integration (snowflake guild_id, snowflake integration_id, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Sync guild integration. More...
void guild_get_widget (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get guild widget. More...
void guild_edit_widget (snowflake guild_id, const class guild_widget &gw, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Edit guild widget. More...
void guild_get_vanity (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get guild vanity url, if enabled. More...
void create_webhook (const class webhook &w, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Create a webhook. More...
void get_guild_webhooks (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get guild webhooks. More...
void get_channel_webhooks (snowflake channel_id, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get channel webhooks. More...
void get_webhook (snowflake webhook_id, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get webhook. More...
void get_webhook_with_token (snowflake webhook_id, const std::string &token, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get webhook using token. More...
void edit_webhook (const class webhook &wh, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Edit webhook. More...
void edit_webhook_with_token (const class webhook &wh, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Edit webhook with token (token is encapsulated in the webhook object) More...
void delete_webhook (snowflake webhook_id, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Delete a webhook. More...
void delete_webhook_with_token (snowflake webhook_id, const std::string &token, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Delete webhook with token. More...
void execute_webhook (const class webhook &wh, const struct message &m, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Execute webhook. More...
void edit_webhook_message (const class webhook &wh, const struct message &m, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Edit webhook message. More...
void delete_webhook_message (const class webhook &wh, snowflake message_id, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Delete webhook message. More...
void roles_get (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get a role for a guild. More...
void role_create (const class role &r, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Create a role on a guild. More...
void role_edit (const class role &r, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Edit a role on a guild. More...
void role_edit_position (const class role &r, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Edit a role's position in a guild. More...
void role_delete (snowflake guild_id, snowflake role_id, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Delete a role. More...
void user_get (snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get a user by id. More...
void current_user_get (command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get current (bot) user. More...
void current_user_get_guilds (command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get current (bot) user guilds. More...
void current_user_edit (const std::string &nickname, const std::string &image_blob, image_type type, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Edit current (bot) user. More...
void current_user_get_dms (command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get current user DM channels. More...
void create_dm_channel (snowflake user_id, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Create a dm channel. More...
void current_user_leave_guild (snowflake guild_id, command_completion_event_t callback={})
 Leave a guild. More...
void get_voice_regions (command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get all voice regions. More...
void get_gateway_bot (command_completion_event_t callback)
 Get the gateway information for the bot using the token. More...

Public Attributes

std::string token
time_t last_identify
uint32_t intents
uint32_t numshards
uint32_t cluster_id
uint32_t maxclusters
dpp::dispatcher dispatch
dpp::user me
 The details of the bot user. This is assumed to be identical across all shards in the cluster. Each connecting shard updates this information. More...

Detailed Description

The cluster class represents a group of shards and a command queue for sending and receiving commands from discord via HTTP. You should usually instantiate a cluster object at the very least to make use of the library.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ cluster()

dpp::cluster::cluster ( const std::string &  token,
uint32_t  intents = i_default_intents,
uint32_t  shards = 0,
uint32_t  cluster_id = 0,
uint32_t  maxclusters = 1,
bool  compressed = true 

Constructor for creating a cluster. All but the token are optional.

tokenThe bot token to use for all HTTP commands and websocket connections
intentsA bitmask of dpd::intents values for all shards on this cluster. This is required to be sent for all bots with over 100 servers.
shardsThe total number of shards on this bot. If there are multiple clusters, then (shards / clusters) actual shards will run on this cluster. If you omit this value, the library will attempt to query the Discord API for the correct number of shards to start.
cluster_idThe ID of this cluster, should be between 0 and MAXCLUSTERS-1
maxclustersThe total number of clusters that are active, which may be on seperate processes or even separate machines.
compressedWether or not to use compression for shards on this cluster. Saves a ton of bandwidth at the cost of some CPU

◆ ~cluster()

dpp::cluster::~cluster ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ channel_create()

void dpp::cluster::channel_create ( const class channel c,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Create a channel.

cChannel to create
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ channel_delete()

void dpp::cluster::channel_delete ( snowflake  channel_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Delete a channel.

channel_idChannel id to delete
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ channel_delete_permission()

void dpp::cluster::channel_delete_permission ( const class channel c,
snowflake  overwrite_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Remove a permission from a channel.

cChannel to remove permission from
overwrite_idOverwrite to remove, user or channel ID
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ channel_edit()

void dpp::cluster::channel_edit ( const class channel c,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Edit a channel.

cChannel to edit/update
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ channel_edit_permissions()

void dpp::cluster::channel_edit_permissions ( const class channel c,
snowflake  overwrite_id,
uint32_t  allow,
uint32_t  deny,
bool  member,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Edit a channel's permissions.

cChannel to set permissions for
overwrite_idOverwrite to change (a user or channel ID)
allowallow permissions
denydeny permissions
membertrue if the overwrite_id is a user id, false if it is a channel id
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ channel_edit_position()

void dpp::cluster::channel_edit_position ( const class channel c,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Edit a channel's position.

cChannel to change the position for
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ channel_follow_news()

void dpp::cluster::channel_follow_news ( const class channel c,
snowflake  target_channel_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Follow a news channel.

cChannel id to follow
target_channel_idChannel to subscribe the channel to
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ channel_get()

void dpp::cluster::channel_get ( snowflake  c,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get a channel.

cChannel ID to retrieve
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ channel_invite_create()

void dpp::cluster::channel_invite_create ( const class channel c,
const class invite i,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Create invite for a channel.

cChannel to create an invite on
iInvite to create
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ channel_invites_get()

void dpp::cluster::channel_invites_get ( const class channel c,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get invites for a channel.

cChannel to get invites for
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ channel_typing()

void dpp::cluster::channel_typing ( const class channel c,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Trigger channel typing indicator.

cChannel to set as typing on
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ channels_get()

void dpp::cluster::channels_get ( snowflake  guild_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get all channels for a guild.

guild_idGuild ID to retrieve channels for
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ create_dm_channel()

void dpp::cluster::create_dm_channel ( snowflake  user_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Create a dm channel.

user_idUser ID to create DM channel with
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ create_webhook()

void dpp::cluster::create_webhook ( const class webhook w,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Create a webhook.

wWebhook to create
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ current_user_edit()

void dpp::cluster::current_user_edit ( const std::string &  nickname,
const std::string &  image_blob,
image_type  type,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Edit current (bot) user.

nicknameNickname to set
image_blobAvatar data to upload (NOTE: Very heavily rate limited!)
typeType of image for avatar
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ current_user_get()

void dpp::cluster::current_user_get ( command_completion_event_t  callback)

Get current (bot) user.

callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ current_user_get_dms()

void dpp::cluster::current_user_get_dms ( command_completion_event_t  callback)

Get current user DM channels.

callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ current_user_get_guilds()

void dpp::cluster::current_user_get_guilds ( command_completion_event_t  callback)

Get current (bot) user guilds.

callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ current_user_leave_guild()

void dpp::cluster::current_user_leave_guild ( snowflake  guild_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Leave a guild.

guild_idGuild ID to leave
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ delete_webhook()

void dpp::cluster::delete_webhook ( snowflake  webhook_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Delete a webhook.

webhook_idWebhook ID to delete
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ delete_webhook_message()

void dpp::cluster::delete_webhook_message ( const class webhook wh,
snowflake  message_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Delete webhook message.

whWebhook to delete message for
message_idMessage ID to delete
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ delete_webhook_with_token()

void dpp::cluster::delete_webhook_with_token ( snowflake  webhook_id,
const std::string &  token,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Delete webhook with token.

webhook_idWebhook ID to delete
tokenToken of webhook to delete
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ direct_message_create()

void dpp::cluster::direct_message_create ( snowflake  user_id,
const message m,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Create a direct message, also create the channel for the direct message if needed.

user_idUser ID of user to send message to
mMessage object
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ edit_webhook()

void dpp::cluster::edit_webhook ( const class webhook wh,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Edit webhook.

whWebhook to edit
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ edit_webhook_message()

void dpp::cluster::edit_webhook_message ( const class webhook wh,
const struct message m,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Edit webhook message.

whWebhook to edit message for
mNew message
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ edit_webhook_with_token()

void dpp::cluster::edit_webhook_with_token ( const class webhook wh,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Edit webhook with token (token is encapsulated in the webhook object)

whWehook to edit (should include token)
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ execute_webhook()

void dpp::cluster::execute_webhook ( const class webhook wh,
const struct message m,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Execute webhook.

whWebhook to execute
mMessage to send
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ gdm_add()

void dpp::cluster::gdm_add ( snowflake  channel_id,
snowflake  user_id,
const std::string &  access_token,
const std::string &  nick,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Adds a recipient to a Group DM using their access token.

channel_idChannel id to add group DM recipients to
user_idUser ID to add
access_tokenAccess token from OAuth2
nickNickname of user to apply to the chat
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ gdm_remove()

void dpp::cluster::gdm_remove ( snowflake  channel_id,
snowflake  user_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Removes a recipient from a Group DM.

channel_idChannel ID of group DM
user_idUser ID to remove from group DM
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ get_channel_webhooks()

void dpp::cluster::get_channel_webhooks ( snowflake  channel_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get channel webhooks.

channel_idChannel ID to get webhooks for
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ get_dm_channel()

snowflake dpp::cluster::get_dm_channel ( snowflake  user_id)

Get the dm channel for a user id.

user_idthe user id to get the dm channel for
Returns 0 on failure

◆ get_gateway_bot()

void dpp::cluster::get_gateway_bot ( command_completion_event_t  callback)

Get the gateway information for the bot using the token.

callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ get_guild_invites()

void dpp::cluster::get_guild_invites ( snowflake  guild_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get guild invites.

guild_idGuild ID to get invites for
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ get_guild_webhooks()

void dpp::cluster::get_guild_webhooks ( snowflake  guild_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get guild webhooks.

guild_idGuild ID to get webhooks for
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ get_shard()

discord_client * dpp::cluster::get_shard ( uint32_t  id)

Get a shard by id, returning the discord_client.

idShard ID
discord_client* shard, or null

◆ get_shards()

const shard_list & dpp::cluster::get_shards ( )

Get the list of shards.

shard_list& Reference to map of shards for this cluster

◆ get_voice_regions()

void dpp::cluster::get_voice_regions ( command_completion_event_t  callback)

Get all voice regions.

callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ get_webhook()

void dpp::cluster::get_webhook ( snowflake  webhook_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get webhook.

webhook_idWebhook ID to get
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ get_webhook_with_token()

void dpp::cluster::get_webhook_with_token ( snowflake  webhook_id,
const std::string &  token,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get webhook using token.

webhook_idWebhook ID to retrieve
tokenToken of webhook
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ global_command_create()

void dpp::cluster::global_command_create ( const slashcommand s,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Create a global slash command (a bot can have a maximum of 100 of these)

sSlash command to create
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ global_command_delete()

void dpp::cluster::global_command_delete ( snowflake  id,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Delete a global slash command (a bot can have a maximum of 100 of these)

idSlash command to delete
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ global_command_edit()

void dpp::cluster::global_command_edit ( const slashcommand s,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Edit a global slash command (a bot can have a maximum of 100 of these)

sSlash command to change
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_add_member()

void dpp::cluster::guild_add_member ( const guild_member gm,
const std::string &  access_token,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Add guild member. Needs a specific oauth2 scope, from which you get the access_token.

gmGuild member to add
access_tokenAccess token from Oauth2 scope
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_auditlog_get()

void dpp::cluster::guild_auditlog_get ( snowflake  guild_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get the audit log for a guild.

guild_idGuild to get the audit log of
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_ban_add()

void dpp::cluster::guild_ban_add ( snowflake  guild_id,
snowflake  user_id,
uint32_t  delete_message_days,
const std::string &  reason,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Add guild ban.

guild_idGuild ID to add ban to
user_idUser ID to ban
delete_message_daysHow many days of ther user's messages to also delete
reasonReason for ban
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_ban_delete()

void dpp::cluster::guild_ban_delete ( snowflake  guild_id,
snowflake  user_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Delete guild ban.

guild_idGuild to delete ban from
user_idUser ID to delete ban for
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_begin_prune()

void dpp::cluster::guild_begin_prune ( snowflake  guild_id,
const struct prune pruneinfo,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Begin guild prune.

guild_idGuild ID to prune
pruneinfoPruning info
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_command_create()

void dpp::cluster::guild_command_create ( const slashcommand s,
snowflake  guild_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Create a slash command local to a guild.

sSlash command to create
guild_idGuild ID to create the slash command in
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_command_delete()

void dpp::cluster::guild_command_delete ( snowflake  id,
snowflake  guild_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Delete a slash command local to a guild.

idSlash command to delete
guild_idGuild ID to delete the slash command in
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_command_edit()

void dpp::cluster::guild_command_edit ( const slashcommand s,
snowflake  guild_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Edit a slash command local to a guild.

sSlash command to edit
guild_idGuild ID to edit the slash command in
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_create()

void dpp::cluster::guild_create ( const class guild g,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Create a guild.

gGuild to create
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_create_from_template()

void dpp::cluster::guild_create_from_template ( const std::string &  code,
const std::string &  name,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Create a new guild based on a template.

codeTemplate code to create guild from
nameGuild name to create
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_delete()

void dpp::cluster::guild_delete ( snowflake  guild_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Delete a guild.

guild_idGuild ID to delete
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_delete_integration()

void dpp::cluster::guild_delete_integration ( snowflake  guild_id,
snowflake  integration_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Delete guild integration.

guild_idGuild ID to delete integration for
integration_idIntegration ID to delete
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_edit()

void dpp::cluster::guild_edit ( const class guild g,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Edit a guild.

gGuild to edit
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_edit_member()

void dpp::cluster::guild_edit_member ( const guild_member gm,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Edit the properties of an existing guild member.

gmGuild member to edit
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_edit_widget()

void dpp::cluster::guild_edit_widget ( snowflake  guild_id,
const class guild_widget gw,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Edit guild widget.

guild_idGuild ID to edit widget for
gwNew guild widget information
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_emoji_create()

void dpp::cluster::guild_emoji_create ( snowflake  guild_id,
const class emoji newemoji,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Create single emoji. You must ensure that the emoji passed contained image data using the emoji::load_image() method.

guild_idGuild ID to create emoji om
newemojiEmoji to create
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_emoji_delete()

void dpp::cluster::guild_emoji_delete ( snowflake  guild_id,
snowflake  emoji_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Delete a guild emoji.

guild_idGuild ID to delete emoji on
emoji_idEmoji ID to delete
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_emoji_edit()

void dpp::cluster::guild_emoji_edit ( snowflake  guild_id,
const class emoji newemoji,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Edit a single emoji. You must ensure that the emoji passed contained image data using the emoji::load_image() method.

guild_idGuild ID to edit emoji on
newemojiEmoji to edit
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_emoji_get()

void dpp::cluster::guild_emoji_get ( snowflake  guild_id,
snowflake  emoji_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get a single emoji.

guild_idGuild ID to get emoji for
emoji_idEmoji ID to get
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_emojis_get()

void dpp::cluster::guild_emojis_get ( snowflake  guild_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get all emojis for a guild.

guild_idGuild ID to get emojis for
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_get()

void dpp::cluster::guild_get ( snowflake  g,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get a guild.

gGuild ID to retrieve
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_get_ban()

void dpp::cluster::guild_get_ban ( snowflake  guild_id,
snowflake  user_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get single guild ban.

guild_idGuild ID to get ban for
user_idUser ID of ban to retrieve
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_get_bans()

void dpp::cluster::guild_get_bans ( snowflake  guild_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get guild ban list.

guild_idGuild ID to get bans for
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_get_integrations()

void dpp::cluster::guild_get_integrations ( snowflake  guild_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get guild itegrations.

guild_idGuild ID to get integrations for
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_get_member()

void dpp::cluster::guild_get_member ( snowflake  guild_id,
snowflake  user_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get a guild member.

guild_idGuild ID to get member for
user_idUser ID of member to get
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_get_members()

void dpp::cluster::guild_get_members ( snowflake  guild_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get all guild members.

guild_idGuild ID to get all members for
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_get_preview()

void dpp::cluster::guild_get_preview ( snowflake  g,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get a guild preview. Returns a guild object but only a subset of the fields will be populated.

gGuild ID to retrieve
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_get_prune_counts()

void dpp::cluster::guild_get_prune_counts ( snowflake  guild_id,
const struct prune pruneinfo,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get prune counts.

guild_idGuild ID to count for pruning
pruneinfoPruning info
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_get_vanity()

void dpp::cluster::guild_get_vanity ( snowflake  guild_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get guild vanity url, if enabled.

guild_idGuild to get vanity URL for
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_get_voice_regions()

void dpp::cluster::guild_get_voice_regions ( snowflake  guild_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get guild voice regions. Voice regions per guild are somewhat deprecated in preference of per-channel voice regions.

guild_idGuild ID to get voice regions for
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_get_widget()

void dpp::cluster::guild_get_widget ( snowflake  guild_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get guild widget.

guild_idGuild ID to get widget for
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_member_add_role()

void dpp::cluster::guild_member_add_role ( snowflake  guild_id,
snowflake  user_id,
snowflake  role_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Add role to guild member.

guild_idGuild ID to add a role to
user_idUser ID to add role to
role_idRole ID to add to the user
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_member_delete()

void dpp::cluster::guild_member_delete ( snowflake  guild_id,
snowflake  user_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Remove (kick) a guild member.

guild_idGuild ID to kick member from
user_idUser ID to kick
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_member_delete_role()

void dpp::cluster::guild_member_delete_role ( snowflake  guild_id,
snowflake  user_id,
snowflake  role_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Remove role from guild member.

guild_idGuild ID to remove role from user on
user_idUser ID to remove role from
role_idRole to remove
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_modify_integration()

void dpp::cluster::guild_modify_integration ( snowflake  guild_id,
const class integration i,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Modify guild integration.

guild_idGuild ID to modify integration for
iIntegration to modify
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_set_nickname()

void dpp::cluster::guild_set_nickname ( snowflake  guild_id,
const std::string &  nickname,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Change current user nickname.

guild_idGuild ID to change nickanem on
nicknameNew nickname, or empty string to clear nickname
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_sync_integration()

void dpp::cluster::guild_sync_integration ( snowflake  guild_id,
snowflake  integration_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Sync guild integration.

guild_idGuild ID to sync integration on
integration_idIntegration ID to synchronise
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_template_create()

void dpp::cluster::guild_template_create ( snowflake  guild_id,
const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  description,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Creates a template for the guild.

guild_idGuild to create template from
nameTemplate name to create
descriptionDescription of template to create
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_template_delete()

void dpp::cluster::guild_template_delete ( snowflake  guild_id,
const std::string &  code,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Deletes the template.

guild_idGuild ID of template to delete
codeTemplate code to delete
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_template_modify()

void dpp::cluster::guild_template_modify ( snowflake  guild_id,
const std::string &  code,
const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  description,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Modifies the template's metadata.

guild_idGuild ID of template to modify
codeTemplate code to modify
nameNew name of template
descriptionNew description of template
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_template_sync()

void dpp::cluster::guild_template_sync ( snowflake  guild_id,
const std::string &  code,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Syncs the template to the guild's current state.

guild_idGuild to synchronise template for
codeCode of template to synchronise
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ guild_templates_get()

void dpp::cluster::guild_templates_get ( snowflake  guild_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get guild templates.

guild_idGuild ID to get templates for
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ interaction_response_create()

void dpp::cluster::interaction_response_create ( snowflake  interaction_id,
const std::string &  token,
const interaction_response r,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Respond to a slash command.

interaction_idInteraction id to respond to
rResponse to send
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ interaction_response_edit()

void dpp::cluster::interaction_response_edit ( snowflake  interaction_id,
const std::string &  token,
const interaction_response r,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Respond to a slash command.

interaction_idInteraction id to respond to
rResponse to send
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ invite_delete()

void dpp::cluster::invite_delete ( const std::string &  invite,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Delete an invite.

inviteInvite code to delete
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ invite_get()

void dpp::cluster::invite_get ( const std::string &  invite,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get details about an invite.

inviteInvite code to get information on
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ log()

void dpp::cluster::log ( dpp::loglevel  severity,
const std::string &  msg 
) const

Log a message to whatever log the user is using. The logged message is passed up the chain to the on_log event in user code which can then do whatever it wants to do with it.

severityThe log level from dpp::loglevel
msgThe log message to output

◆ message_add_reaction()

void dpp::cluster::message_add_reaction ( const struct message m,
const std::string &  reaction,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Add a reaction to a message. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character.

mMessage to add a reaction to
reactionReaction to add. Emojis should be in the form emojiname:id
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ message_create()

void dpp::cluster::message_create ( const struct message m,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Send a message to a channel. The callback function is called when the message has been sent.

mMessage to send
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ message_crosspost()

void dpp::cluster::message_crosspost ( snowflake  message_id,
snowflake  channel_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Crosspost a message. The callback function is called when the message has been sent.

message_idMessage to crosspost
channel_idChannel ID to crosspost from
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ message_delete()

void dpp::cluster::message_delete ( snowflake  message_id,
snowflake  channel_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Delete a message from a channel. The callback function is called when the message has been edited.

message_idMessage ID to delete
channel_idChannel to delete from
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ message_delete_all_reactions()

void dpp::cluster::message_delete_all_reactions ( const struct message m,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Delete all reactions on a message.

mMessage to delete reactions from
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ message_delete_bulk()

void dpp::cluster::message_delete_bulk ( const std::vector< snowflake > &  message_ids,
snowflake  channel_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Bulk delete messages from a channel. The callback function is called when the message has been edited.

message_idsList of message IDs to delete (maximum of 100 message IDs)
channel_idChannel to delete from
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ message_delete_own_reaction()

void dpp::cluster::message_delete_own_reaction ( const struct message m,
const std::string &  reaction,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Delete own reaction from a message. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character.

mMessage to delete own reaction from
reactionReaction to delete. The reaction should be in the form emojiname:id
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ message_delete_reaction()

void dpp::cluster::message_delete_reaction ( const struct message m,
snowflake  user_id,
const std::string &  reaction,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Delete a user's reaction from a message. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character.

mMessage to delete a user's reaction from
user_idUser ID who's reaction you want to remove
reactionReaction to remove. Reactions should be in the form emojiname:id
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ message_delete_reaction_emoji()

void dpp::cluster::message_delete_reaction_emoji ( const struct message m,
const std::string &  reaction,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Delete all reactions on a message using a particular emoji. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character.

mMessage to delete reactions from
reactionReaction to delete, in the form emojiname:id or a unicode character
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ message_edit()

void dpp::cluster::message_edit ( const struct message m,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Edit a message on a channel. The callback function is called when the message has been edited.

mMessage to edit
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ message_get()

void dpp::cluster::message_get ( snowflake  message_id,
snowflake  channel_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get a message.

message_idMessage ID
channel_idChannel ID
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ message_get_reactions()

void dpp::cluster::message_get_reactions ( const struct message m,
const std::string &  reaction,
snowflake  before,
snowflake  after,
snowflake  limit,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get reactions on a message for a particular emoji. The reaction string must be either an emojiname:id or a unicode character.

mMessage to get reactions for
reactionReaction should be in the form emojiname:id or a unicode character
beforeReactions before this ID should be retrieved if this is set to non-zero
afterReactions before this ID should be retrieved if this is set to non-zero
limitThis number of reactions maximum should be returned
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ message_pin()

void dpp::cluster::message_pin ( snowflake  channel_id,
snowflake  message_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Pin a message.

channel_idChannel id to pin message on
message_idMessage id to pin message on
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ message_unpin()

void dpp::cluster::message_unpin ( snowflake  channel_id,
snowflake  message_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Unpin a message.

channel_idChannel id to unpin message on
message_idMessage id to unpin message on
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ messages_get()

void dpp::cluster::messages_get ( snowflake  channel_id,
snowflake  around,
snowflake  before,
snowflake  after,
snowflake  limit,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get multiple messages.

channel_idChannel ID to retrieve messages for
aroundMessages should be retrieved around this ID if this is set to non-zero
beforeMessages before this ID should be retrieved if this is set to non-zero
afterMessages before this ID should be retrieved if this is set to non-zero
limitThis number of messages maximum should be returned
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ on_application_command_create()

void dpp::cluster::on_application_command_create ( std::function< void(const application_command_create_t &_event)>  _application_command_create)

Called when a new application command (slash command) is registered.

_application_command_createUser function to attach to event

◆ on_application_command_delete()

void dpp::cluster::on_application_command_delete ( std::function< void(const application_command_delete_t &_event)>  _application_command_delete)

Called when an application command (slash command) is deleted.

_application_command_deleteUser function to attach to event

◆ on_application_command_update()

void dpp::cluster::on_application_command_update ( std::function< void(const application_command_update_t &_event)>  _application_command_update)

Called when an application command (slash command) is updated. You will only receive this event for application commands that belong to your bot/application.

_application_command_updateUser function to attach to event

◆ on_button_click()

void dpp::cluster::on_button_click ( std::function< void(const button_click_t &_event)>  _button_click)

Called when a button is clicked attached to a message. Button clicks are triggered by discord when buttons are clicked which you have associated with a message using dpp::component.

_interaction_createUser function to attach to event

◆ on_channel_create()

void dpp::cluster::on_channel_create ( std::function< void(const channel_create_t &_event)>  _channel_create)

Called when a new channel is created on a guild.

_channel_createUser function to attach to event

◆ on_channel_delete()

void dpp::cluster::on_channel_delete ( std::function< void(const channel_delete_t &_event)>  _channel_delete)

Called when a channel is deleted from a guild. The channel will still be temporarily avaialble in the cache. Pointers to the channel should not be retained long-term as they will be deleted by the garbage collector.

_channel_deleteUser function to attach to event

◆ on_channel_pins_update()

void dpp::cluster::on_channel_pins_update ( std::function< void(const channel_pins_update_t &_event)>  _channel_pins_update)

Called when a message is pinned. Note that the pinned message is not returned to this event, just the timestamp of the last pinned message.

_channel_pins_updateUser function to attach to event

◆ on_channel_update()

void dpp::cluster::on_channel_update ( std::function< void(const channel_update_t &_event)>  _channel_update)

Called when a channel is edited on a guild. The new channel details have already been applied to the guild when you receive this event.

_channel_updateUser function to attach to event

◆ on_guild_ban_add()

void dpp::cluster::on_guild_ban_add ( std::function< void(const guild_ban_add_t &_event)>  _guild_ban_add)

Called when a ban is added to a guild.

_guild_ban_addUser function to attach to event

◆ on_guild_ban_remove()

void dpp::cluster::on_guild_ban_remove ( std::function< void(const guild_ban_remove_t &_event)>  _guild_ban_remove)

Called when a ban is removed from a guild.

_guild_ban_removeUser function to attach to event

◆ on_guild_create()

void dpp::cluster::on_guild_create ( std::function< void(const guild_create_t &_event)>  _guild_create)

Called when a new guild is created. D++ will request members for the guild for its cache using guild_members_chunk.

_guild_createUser function to attach to event

◆ on_guild_delete()

void dpp::cluster::on_guild_delete ( std::function< void(const guild_delete_t &_event)>  _guild_delete)

Called when a guild is deleted. A guild can be deleted via the bot being kicked, the bot leaving the guild explicitly with dpp::guild_delete, or via the guild being unavaialble due to an outage.

_guild_deleteUser function to attach to event

◆ on_guild_emojis_update()

void dpp::cluster::on_guild_emojis_update ( std::function< void(const guild_emojis_update_t &_event)>  _guild_emojis_update)

Called when new emojis are added to a guild. The complete set of emojis is sent every time.

_guild_emojis_updateUser function to attach to event

◆ on_guild_integrations_update()

void dpp::cluster::on_guild_integrations_update ( std::function< void(const guild_integrations_update_t &_event)>  _guild_integrations_update)

Called when an integration is updated for a guild. This returns the complete list. An integration is a connection to a guild of a user's associated accounts, e.g. youtube or twitch, for automatic assignment of roles etc.

_guild_integrations_updateUser function to attach to event

◆ on_guild_join_request_delete()

void dpp::cluster::on_guild_join_request_delete ( std::function< void(const guild_join_request_delete_t &_event)>  _guild_join_request_delete)

on guild join request delete. Triggered when a user declines the membership screening questionnaire for a guild.

_guild_join_request_deleteUser function to attach to event

◆ on_guild_member_add()

void dpp::cluster::on_guild_member_add ( std::function< void(const guild_member_add_t &_event)>  _guild_member_add)

Called when a new member joins a guild.

_guild_member_addUser function to attach to event

◆ on_guild_member_remove()

void dpp::cluster::on_guild_member_remove ( std::function< void(const guild_member_remove_t &_event)>  _guild_member_remove)

Called when a user leaves a guild (either through being kicked, or choosing to leave)

_guild_member_removeUser function to attach to event

◆ on_guild_member_update()

void dpp::cluster::on_guild_member_update ( std::function< void(const guild_member_update_t &_event)>  _guild_member_update)

Called when details of a guild member (e.g. their roles or nickname) are updated.

_guild_member_updateUser function to attach to event

◆ on_guild_members_chunk()

void dpp::cluster::on_guild_members_chunk ( std::function< void(const guild_members_chunk_t &_event)>  _guild_members_chunk)

Called when a set of members is received for a guild. D++ will request these for all new guilds if needed, after the on_guild_create events.

_guild_members_chunkUser function to attach to event

◆ on_guild_role_create()

void dpp::cluster::on_guild_role_create ( std::function< void(const guild_role_create_t &_event)>  _guild_role_create)

Called when a new role is created on a guild.

_guild_role_createUser function to attach to event

◆ on_guild_role_delete()

void dpp::cluster::on_guild_role_delete ( std::function< void(const guild_role_delete_t &_event)>  _guild_role_delete)

Called when a role is deleted in a guild.

_guild_role_deleteUser function to attach to event

◆ on_guild_role_update()

void dpp::cluster::on_guild_role_update ( std::function< void(const guild_role_update_t &_event)>  _guild_role_update)

Called when an existing role is updated on a guild.

_guild_role_updateUser function to attach to event

◆ on_guild_update()

void dpp::cluster::on_guild_update ( std::function< void(const guild_update_t &_event)>  _guild_update)

Called when details of a guild are updated.

_guild_updateUser function to attach to event

◆ on_integration_create()

void dpp::cluster::on_integration_create ( std::function< void(const integration_create_t &_event)>  _integration_create)

Called when a new intgration is attached to a guild by a user. An integration is a connection to a guild of a user's associated accounts, e.g. youtube or twitch, for automatic assignment of roles etc.

_integration_createUser function to attach to event

◆ on_integration_delete()

void dpp::cluster::on_integration_delete ( std::function< void(const integration_delete_t &_event)>  _integration_delete)

Called when an integration is removed by a user. An integration is a connection to a guild of a user's associated accounts, e.g. youtube or twitch, for automatic assignment of roles etc.

_integration_deleteUser function to attach to event

◆ on_integration_update()

void dpp::cluster::on_integration_update ( std::function< void(const integration_update_t &_event)>  _integration_update)

Called when an integration is updated by a user. This returns details of just the single integration that has changed. An integration is a connection to a guild of a user's associated accounts, e.g. youtube or twitch, for automatic assignment of roles etc.

_integration_updateUser function to attach to event

◆ on_interaction_create()

void dpp::cluster::on_interaction_create ( std::function< void(const interaction_create_t &_event)>  _interaction_create)

Called when a new interaction is created. Interactions are created by discord when commands you have registered are issued by a user. For an example of this in action please see Using Slash Commands and Interactions.

_interaction_createUser function to attach to event

◆ on_invite_create()

void dpp::cluster::on_invite_create ( std::function< void(const invite_create_t &_event)>  _invite_create)

Called when a new invite is created for a guild.

_invite_createUser function to attach to event

◆ on_invite_delete()

void dpp::cluster::on_invite_delete ( std::function< void(const invite_delete_t &_event)>  _invite_delete)

Called when an invite is deleted from a guild.

_invite_deleteUser function to attach to event

◆ on_log()

void dpp::cluster::on_log ( std::function< void(const log_t &_event)>  _log)

Called when a log message is to be written to the log. You can attach any logging system here you wish, e.g. spdlog, or even just a simple use of std::cout or printf. If nothing attaches this log event, then the library will be silent.

_logUser function to attach to event

◆ on_message_create()

void dpp::cluster::on_message_create ( std::function< void(const message_create_t &_event)>  _message_create)

Called when a new message arrives from discord. Note that D++ does not cache messages. If you want to cache these objects you should create something yourself within your bot. Caching of messages is not on the roadmap to be supported as it consumes excessive amounts of RAM.

_message_createUser function to attach to event

◆ on_message_delete()

void dpp::cluster::on_message_delete ( std::function< void(const message_delete_t &_event)>  _message_delete)

Called when a message is deleted. The message has already been deleted from Discord when you receive this event.

_message_deleteUser function to attach to event

◆ on_message_delete_bulk()

void dpp::cluster::on_message_delete_bulk ( std::function< void(const message_delete_bulk_t &_event)>  _message_delete_bulk)

Called when multiple messages are deleted from a channel or DM.

_message_delete_bulkUser function to attach to event

◆ on_message_reaction_add()

void dpp::cluster::on_message_reaction_add ( std::function< void(const message_reaction_add_t &_event)>  _message_reaction_add)

Called when a new reaction is added to a message.

_message_reaction_addUser function to attach to event

◆ on_message_reaction_remove()

void dpp::cluster::on_message_reaction_remove ( std::function< void(const message_reaction_remove_t &_event)>  _message_reaction_remove)

Called when a single reaction is removed from a message.

_message_reaction_removeUser function to attach to event

◆ on_message_reaction_remove_all()

void dpp::cluster::on_message_reaction_remove_all ( std::function< void(const message_reaction_remove_all_t &_event)>  _message_reaction_remove_all)

Called when all reactions are removed from a message.

_message_reaction_remove_allUser function to attach to event

◆ on_message_reaction_remove_emoji()

void dpp::cluster::on_message_reaction_remove_emoji ( std::function< void(const message_reaction_remove_emoji_t &_event)>  _message_reaction_remove_emoji)

Called when all reactions for a particular emoji are removed from a message.

_message_reaction_remove_emojiUser function to attach to event

◆ on_message_update()

void dpp::cluster::on_message_update ( std::function< void(const message_update_t &_event)>  _message_update)

Called when a message is updated (edited).

_message_updateUser function to attach to event

◆ on_presence_update()

void dpp::cluster::on_presence_update ( std::function< void(const presence_update_t &_event)>  _presence_update)

Called when a user's presence is updated. To receive these you will need the GUILD_PRESENCES privileged intent. You will receive many of these, very often, and receiving them will significaintly increase your bot's CPU usage. If you don't need them it is recommended to not ask for them.

_presence_updateUser function to attach to event

◆ on_ready()

void dpp::cluster::on_ready ( std::function< void(const ready_t &_event)>  _ready)

Called when a shard is connected and ready. A set of on_guild_create events will follow this event.

_readyUser function to attach to event

◆ on_resumed()

void dpp::cluster::on_resumed ( std::function< void(const resumed_t &_event)>  _resumed)

Called when a connection to a shard successfully resumes. A resumed session does not need to re-synchronise guilds, members, etc. This is generally non-fatal and informational only.

_resumedUser function to attach to event

◆ on_stage_instance_create()

void dpp::cluster::on_stage_instance_create ( std::function< void(const stage_instance_create_t &_event)>  _stage_instance_create)

Called when a new stage instance is created on a stage channel.

_stage_instance_createUser function to attach to event

◆ on_stage_instance_delete()

void dpp::cluster::on_stage_instance_delete ( std::function< void(const stage_instance_delete_t &_event)>  _stage_instance_delete)

Called when an existing stage instance is deleted from a stage channel.

_stage_instance_deleteUser function to attach to event

◆ on_typing_start()

void dpp::cluster::on_typing_start ( std::function< void(const typing_start_t &_event)>  _typing_start)

Called when a user is typing on a channel.

_typing_startUser function to attach to event

◆ on_user_update()

void dpp::cluster::on_user_update ( std::function< void(const user_update_t &_event)>  _user_update)

Called when a user is updated. This is separate to guild_member_update and includes things such as an avatar change, username change, discriminator change or change in subscription status for nitro.

_user_updateUser function to attach to event

◆ on_voice_buffer_send()

void dpp::cluster::on_voice_buffer_send ( std::function< void(const voice_buffer_send_t &_event)>  _voice_buffer_send)

Called when packets are sent from the voice buffer. The voice buffer contains packets that are already encoded with Opus and encrypted with Sodium, and merged into packets by the repacketizer, which is done in the dpp::discord_voice_client::send_audio method. You should use the buffer size properties of dpp::voice_buffer_send_t to determine if you should fill the buffer with more content.

_voice_buffer_sendUser function to attach to event

◆ on_voice_ready()

void dpp::cluster::on_voice_ready ( std::function< void(const voice_ready_t &_event)>  _voice_ready)

Called when a voice channel is connected and ready to send audio. Note that this is not directly attached to the READY event of the websocket, as there is further connection that needs to be done before audio is ready to send.

_voice_readyUser function to attach to event

◆ on_voice_receive()

void dpp::cluster::on_voice_receive ( std::function< void(const voice_receive_t &_event)>  _voice_receive)

Called when new audio data is received.

Receiveing audio for bots is not supported or documented, so this endpoint will be triggered at the correct times but the audio buffer will always be null and size zero.
_voice_receiveUser function to attach to event

◆ on_voice_server_update()

void dpp::cluster::on_voice_server_update ( std::function< void(const voice_server_update_t &_event)>  _voice_server_update)

Called when we are told which voice server we can use. This will be sent either when we establish a new voice channel connection, or as discord rearrange their infrastructure.

_voice_server_updateUser function to attach to event

◆ on_voice_state_update()

void dpp::cluster::on_voice_state_update ( std::function< void(const voice_state_update_t &_event)>  _voice_state_update)

on voice state update event

_voice_state_updateUser function to attach to event

◆ on_voice_track_marker()

void dpp::cluster::on_voice_track_marker ( std::function< void(const voice_track_marker_t &_event)>  _voice_track_marker)

Called when sending of audio passes over a track marker. Track markers are arbitrarily placed "bookmarks" in the audio buffer, placed by the bot developer. Each track marker can have a string value associated with it which is specified in dpp::discord_voice_client::insert_marker and returned to this event.

_voice_receiveUser function to attach to event

◆ on_voice_user_talking()

void dpp::cluster::on_voice_user_talking ( std::function< void(const voice_user_talking_t &_event)>  _voice_user_talking)

Called when a user is talking on a voice channel.

_voice_user_talkingUser function to attach to event

◆ on_webhooks_update()

void dpp::cluster::on_webhooks_update ( std::function< void(const webhooks_update_t &_event)>  _webhooks_update)

Called when the webhooks for a guild are updated.

_webhooks_updateUser function to attach to event

◆ pins_get()

void dpp::cluster::pins_get ( snowflake  channel_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get a channel's pins.

channel_idChannel ID to get pins for
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ post_rest()

void dpp::cluster::post_rest ( const std::string &  endpoint,
const std::string &  major_parameters,
const std::string &  parameters,
http_method  method,
const std::string &  postdata,
json_encode_t  callback,
const std::string &  filename = "",
const std::string &  filecontent = "" 

Post a REST request. Where possible use a helper method instead like message_create.

endpointEndpoint to post to, e.g. /api/guilds
major_parametersMajor parameters for the endpoint e.g. a guild id
parametersMinor parameters for the API request
methodMethod, e.g. GET, POST
postdataPost data (usually JSON encoded)
callbackFunction to call when the HTTP call completes
filenameFilename to post for POST requests (for uploading files)
filecontentFile content to post for POST requests (for uploading files)

◆ role_create()

void dpp::cluster::role_create ( const class role r,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Create a role on a guild.

rRole to create (guild ID is encapsulated in the role object)
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ role_delete()

void dpp::cluster::role_delete ( snowflake  guild_id,
snowflake  role_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Delete a role.

guild_idGuild ID to delete the role on
role_idRole ID to delete
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ role_edit()

void dpp::cluster::role_edit ( const class role r,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Edit a role on a guild.

rRole to edit
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ role_edit_position()

void dpp::cluster::role_edit_position ( const class role r,
command_completion_event_t  callback = {} 

Edit a role's position in a guild.

rRole to change position of
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ roles_get()

void dpp::cluster::roles_get ( snowflake  guild_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get a role for a guild.

guild_idGuild ID to get role for
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ set_dm_channel()

void dpp::cluster::set_dm_channel ( snowflake  user_id,
snowflake  channel_id 

Set the dm channel id for a user id.

user_iduser id to set the dm channel for
channel_iddm channel to set

◆ set_presence()

void dpp::cluster::set_presence ( const class dpp::presence p)

Set the presence for all shards on the cluster.

pThe presence to set. Only the online status and the first activity are sent.

◆ start()

void dpp::cluster::start ( bool  return_after = true)

Start the cluster, connecting all its shards. Returns once all shards are connected.

return_afterIf true the bot will return to your program after starting shards, if false this function will never return.

◆ template_get()

void dpp::cluster::template_get ( const std::string &  code,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get a template.

codeTemplate code
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

◆ uptime()

dpp::utility::uptime dpp::cluster::uptime ( )

Returns the uptime of the cluster.

dpp::utility::uptime The uptime of the cluster

◆ user_get()

void dpp::cluster::user_get ( snowflake  user_id,
command_completion_event_t  callback 

Get a user by id.

user_idUser ID to retrieve
callbackFunction to call when the API call completes

Member Data Documentation

◆ cluster_id

uint32_t dpp::cluster::cluster_id

ID of this cluster, between 0 and MAXCLUSTERS-1 inclusive

◆ dispatch

dpp::dispatcher dpp::cluster::dispatch

Routes events from Discord back to user program code via std::functions

◆ intents

uint32_t dpp::cluster::intents

Current bitmask of gateway intents

◆ last_identify

time_t dpp::cluster::last_identify

◆ maxclusters

uint32_t dpp::cluster::maxclusters

Total number of clusters that are active

◆ me

dpp::user dpp::cluster::me

The details of the bot user. This is assumed to be identical across all shards in the cluster. Each connecting shard updates this information.

◆ numshards

uint32_t dpp::cluster::numshards

Total number of shards across all clusters

◆ token

std::string dpp::cluster::token

Current bot token for all shards on this cluster and all commands sent via HTTP

D++ Library version 10.0.33D++ Library version 10.0.32D++ Library version 10.0.31D++ Library version 10.0.30D++ Library version 10.0.29D++ Library version 10.0.28D++ Library version 10.0.27D++ Library version 10.0.26D++ Library version 10.0.25D++ Library version 10.0.24D++ Library version 10.0.23D++ Library version 10.0.22D++ Library version 10.0.21D++ Library version 10.0.20D++ Library version 10.0.19D++ Library version 10.0.18D++ Library version 10.0.17D++ Library version 10.0.16D++ Library version 10.0.15D++ Library version 10.0.14D++ Library version 10.0.13D++ Library version 10.0.12D++ Library version 10.0.11D++ Library version 10.0.10D++ Library version 10.0.9D++ Library version 10.0.8D++ Library version 10.0.7D++ Library version 10.0.6D++ Library version 10.0.5D++ Library version 10.0.4D++ Library version 10.0.3D++ Library version 10.0.2D++ Library version 10.0.1D++ Library version 10.0.0D++ Library version 9.0.19D++ Library version 9.0.18D++ Library version 9.0.17D++ Library version 9.0.16D++ Library version 9.0.15D++ Library version 9.0.14D++ Library version 9.0.13D++ Library version 9.0.12D++ Library version 9.0.11D++ Library version 9.0.10D++ Library version 9.0.9D++ Library version 9.0.8D++ Library version 9.0.7D++ Library version 9.0.6D++ Library version 9.0.5D++ Library version 9.0.4D++ Library version 9.0.3D++ Library version 9.0.2D++ Library version 9.0.1D++ Library version 9.0.0D++ Library version 1.0.2D++ Library version 1.0.1D++ Library version 1.0.0