To stream MP3 files via D++ you need to link an additional dependency to your bot, namely libmpg123
. It is relatively simple when linking this library to your bot to then decode audio to PCM and send it to the dpp::discord_voice_client::send_audio_raw function as shown below:
#include <dpp/dpp.h>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <mpg123.h>
#include <out123.h>
#define MUSIC_FILE "/media/music/Rick Astley/Whenever You Need Somebody/Never Gonna Give You Up.mp3"
int main() {
std::vector<uint8_t> pcmdata;
int err = 0;
unsigned char* buffer;
size_t buffer_size, done;
int channels, encoding;
long rate;
mpg123_handle *mh = mpg123_new(NULL, &err);
mpg123_param(mh, MPG123_FORCE_RATE, 48000, 48000.0);
buffer_size = mpg123_outblock(mh);
buffer = new unsigned char[buffer_size];
mpg123_open(mh, MUSIC_FILE);
mpg123_getformat(mh, &rate, &channels, &encoding);
unsigned int counter = 0;
for (int totalBytes = 0; mpg123_read(mh, buffer, buffer_size, &done) == MPG123_OK; ) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < buffer_size; i++) {
counter += buffer_size;
totalBytes += done;
delete[] buffer;
dpp::guild* g = dpp::find_guild(event.command.guild_id);
if (!g->connect_member_voice(event.command.get_issuing_user().id)) {
event.reply("You don't seem to be in a voice channel!");
"Joined your channel!");
dpp::voiceconn* v = event.from->get_voice(event.command.guild_id);
if (!v || !v->voiceclient || !v->voiceclient->is_ready()) {
event.reply("There was an issue with getting the voice channel. Make sure I'm in a voice channel!");
v->voiceclient->send_audio_raw((uint16_t*), pcmdata.size());
"Played the mp3 file.");
if (dpp::run_once<struct register_bot_commands>()) {
bot.global_bulk_command_create({ joincommand, mp3command });
return 0;
The cluster class represents a group of shards and a command queue for sending and receiving commands...
Definition: cluster.h:80
std::string get_command_name() const
Get the command name for a command interaction.
Represents an application command, created by your bot either globally, or on a guild.
Definition: appcommand.h:1339
constexpr const char v[]
Definition: unicode_emoji.h:1837
std::function< void(const dpp::log_t &)> DPP_EXPORT cout_logger()
Get a default logger that outputs to std::cout. e.g.
@ st_wait
Wait forever on a condition variable. The cluster will spawn threads for each shard and start() will ...
Definition: cluster.h:63
void reply(command_completion_event_t callback=utility::log_error()) const
Acknowledge interaction without displaying a message to the user, for use with button and select menu...
interaction command
command interaction
Definition: dispatcher.h:678
Session ready.
Definition: dispatcher.h:961
User has issued a slash command.
Definition: dispatcher.h:695