D++ (DPP)
C++ Discord API Bot Library
Streaming Ogg Opus file

This example shows how to stream an Ogg Opus file to a voice channel. This example requires some additional dependencies, namely libogg and opusfile.

#include <dpp/dpp.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ogg/ogg.h>
#include <opus/opusfile.h>
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
/* Load an ogg opus file into memory.
* The bot expects opus packets to be 2 channel stereo, 48000Hz.
* You may use ffmpeg to encode songs to ogg opus:
* ffmpeg -i /path/to/song -c:a libopus -ar 48000 -ac 2 -vn -b:a 96K /path/to/opus.ogg
/* Use the on_message_create event to look for commands */
bot.on_message_create([&bot](const dpp::message_create_t & event) {
std::stringstream ss(event.msg.content);
std::string command;
ss >> command;
/* Tell the bot to join the discord voice channel the user is on. Syntax: .join */
if (command == ".join") {
if (!g->connect_member_voice(event.msg.author.id)) {
bot.message_create(dpp::message(event.msg.channel_id, "You don't seem to be on a voice channel! :("));
/* Tell the bot to play the sound file */
if (command == ".play") {
dpp::voiceconn* v = event.from->get_voice(event.msg.guild_id);
if (v && v->voiceclient && v->voiceclient->is_ready()) {
ogg_sync_state oy;
ogg_stream_state os;
ogg_page og;
ogg_packet op;
OpusHead header;
char *buffer;
FILE *fd;
fd = fopen("/path/to/opus.ogg", "rb");
fseek(fd, 0L, SEEK_END);
size_t sz = ftell(fd);
int eos = 0;
int i;
buffer = ogg_sync_buffer(&oy, sz);
fread(buffer, 1, sz, fd);
ogg_sync_wrote(&oy, sz);
if (ogg_sync_pageout(&oy, &og) != 1)
fprintf(stderr,"Does not appear to be ogg stream.\n");
ogg_stream_init(&os, ogg_page_serialno(&og));
if (ogg_stream_pagein(&os,&og) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"Error reading initial page of ogg stream.\n");
if (ogg_stream_packetout(&os,&op) != 1)
fprintf(stderr,"Error reading header packet of ogg stream.\n");
/* We must ensure that the ogg stream actually contains opus data */
if (!(op.bytes > 8 && !memcmp("OpusHead", op.packet, 8)))
fprintf(stderr,"Not an ogg opus stream.\n");
/* Parse the header to get stream info */
int err = opus_head_parse(&header, op.packet, op.bytes);
if (err)
fprintf(stderr,"Not a ogg opus stream\n");
/* Now we ensure the encoding is correct for Discord */
if (header.channel_count != 2 && header.input_sample_rate != 48000)
fprintf(stderr,"Wrong encoding for Discord, must be 48000Hz sample rate with 2 channels.\n");
/* Now loop though all the pages and send the packets to the vc */
while (ogg_sync_pageout(&oy, &og) == 1){
ogg_stream_init(&os, ogg_page_serialno(&og));
fprintf(stderr,"Error reading page of Ogg bitstream data.\n");
while (ogg_stream_packetout(&os,&op) != 0)
/* Read remaining headers */
if (op.bytes > 8 && !memcmp("OpusHead", op.packet, 8))
int err = opus_head_parse(&header, op.packet, op.bytes);
if (err)
fprintf(stderr,"Not a ogg opus stream\n");
if (header.channel_count != 2 && header.input_sample_rate != 48000)
fprintf(stderr,"Wrong encoding for Discord, must be 48000Hz sample rate with 2 channels.\n");
/* Skip the opus tags */
if (op.bytes > 8 && !memcmp("OpusTags", op.packet, 8))
/* Send the audio */
int samples = opus_packet_get_samples_per_frame(op.packet, 48000);
v->voiceclient->send_audio_opus(op.packet, op.bytes, samples / 48);
/* Cleanup */
/* Start bot */
return 0;
The cluster class represents a group of shards and a command queue for sending and receiving commands...
Definition: cluster.h:84
discord_voice_client & send_audio_opus(uint8_t *opus_packet, const size_t length, uint64_t duration)
Send opus packets to the voice channel.
bool is_ready()
voice client is ready to stream audio. The voice client is considered ready if it has a secret key.
Represents a guild on Discord (AKA a server)
Definition: guild.h:464
bool connect_member_voice(snowflake user_id, bool self_mute=false, bool self_deaf=false)
Connect to a voice channel another guild member is in.
snowflake id
Unique ID of object set by Discord. This value contains a timestamp, worker ID, internal server ID,...
Definition: managed.h:38
Represents a connection to a voice channel. A client can only connect to one voice channel per guild ...
Definition: discordclient.h:58
class discord_voice_client * voiceclient
voice websocket client
Definition: discordclient.h:87
std::function< void(const dpp::log_t &)> DPP_EXPORT cout_logger()
Get a default logger that outputs to std::cout. e.g.
@ i_message_content
Intent for receipt of message content.
Definition: intents.h:64
@ i_default_intents
Default D++ intents (all non-privileged intents)
Definition: intents.h:72
DPP_EXPORT class guild * find_guild(snowflake id)
@ st_wait
Wait forever on a condition variable. The cluster will spawn threads for each shard and start() will ...
Definition: cluster.h:67
Create message.
Definition: dispatcher.h:1341
message msg
message that was created (sent).
Definition: dispatcher.h:1350
Represents messages sent and received on Discord.
Definition: message.h:1143
user author
Definition: message.h:1149
snowflake guild_id
Definition: message.h:1147
std::string content
Definition: message.h:1153
snowflake channel_id
Definition: message.h:1145

You can compile this example using the following command

c++ /path/to/source.cc -ldpp -lopus -lopusfile -logg -I/usr/include/opus

Using <tt>liboggz</tt>

You can use liboggz to stream an Ogg Opus file to discord voice channel. liboggz provides higher level abstraction and useful APIs. Some API liboggz provide includes seeking and timestamp interpretation. Read more on the documentation.

#include <dpp/dpp.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <oggz/oggz.h>
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
/* Load an ogg opus file into memory.
* The bot expects opus packets to be 2 channel stereo, 48000Hz.
* You may use ffmpeg to encode songs to ogg opus:
* ffmpeg -i /path/to/song -c:a libopus -ar 48000 -ac 2 -vn -b:a 96K /path/to/opus.ogg
/* Use the on_message_create event to look for commands */
bot.on_message_create([&bot](const dpp::message_create_t & event) {
std::stringstream ss(event.msg.content);
std::string command;
ss >> command;
/* Tell the bot to join the discord voice channel the user is on. Syntax: .join */
if (command == ".join") {
if (!g->connect_member_voice(event.msg.author.id)) {
bot.message_create(dpp::message(event.msg.channel_id, "You don't seem to be on a voice channel! :("));
/* Tell the bot to play the sound file */
if (command == ".play") {
dpp::voiceconn* v = event.from->get_voice(event.msg.guild_id);
if (v && v->voiceclient && v->voiceclient->is_ready()) {
// load the audio file with oggz
OGGZ *track_og = oggz_open("/path/to/opus.ogg", OGGZ_READ);
if (track_og) {
// set read callback, this callback will be called on packets with the serialno,
// -1 means every packet will be handled with this callback
track_og, -1,
[](OGGZ *oggz, oggz_packet *packet, long serialno,
void *user_data) {
dpp::voiceconn *voiceconn = (dpp::voiceconn *)user_data;
// send the audio
// make sure to always return 0 here, read more on oggz documentation
return 0;
// this will be the value of void *user_data
(void *)v);
// read loop
while (v && v->voiceclient && !v->voiceclient->terminating) {
// you can tweak this to whatever. Here I use BUFSIZ, defined in
// stdio.h as 8192
static const constexpr long CHUNK_READ = BUFSIZ * 2;
const long read_bytes = oggz_read(track_og, CHUNK_READ);
// break on eof
if (!read_bytes)
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file\n");
// don't forget to free the memory
/* Start bot */
return 0;
bool terminating
True when the thread is shutting down.
Definition: discordvoiceclient.h:471

You can compile this example using the following command

c++ /path/to/source.cc -ldpp -loggz
D++ Library version 10.1.0D++ Library version 10.0.35D++ Library version 10.0.34D++ Library version 10.0.33D++ Library version 10.0.32D++ Library version 10.0.31D++ Library version 10.0.30D++ Library version 10.0.29D++ Library version 10.0.28D++ Library version 10.0.27D++ Library version 10.0.26D++ Library version 10.0.25D++ Library version 10.0.24D++ Library version 10.0.23D++ Library version 10.0.22D++ Library version 10.0.21D++ Library version 10.0.20D++ Library version 10.0.19D++ Library version 10.0.18D++ Library version 10.0.17D++ Library version 10.0.16D++ Library version 10.0.15D++ Library version 10.0.14D++ Library version 10.0.13D++ Library version 10.0.12D++ Library version 10.0.11D++ Library version 10.0.10D++ Library version 10.0.9D++ Library version 10.0.8D++ Library version 10.0.7D++ Library version 10.0.6D++ Library version 10.0.5D++ Library version 10.0.4D++ Library version 10.0.3D++ Library version 10.0.2D++ Library version 10.0.1D++ Library version 10.0.0D++ Library version 9.0.19D++ Library version 9.0.18D++ Library version 9.0.17D++ Library version 9.0.16D++ Library version 9.0.15D++ Library version 9.0.14D++ Library version 9.0.13D++ Library version 9.0.12D++ Library version 9.0.11D++ Library version 9.0.10D++ Library version 9.0.9D++ Library version 9.0.8D++ Library version 9.0.7D++ Library version 9.0.6D++ Library version 9.0.5D++ Library version 9.0.4D++ Library version 9.0.3D++ Library version 9.0.2D++ Library version 9.0.1D++ Library version 9.0.0D++ Library version 1.0.2D++ Library version 1.0.1D++ Library version 1.0.0